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Fethullah Gülen, Islamic Scholar and Advocate for Education, Dies

Fethullah Gülen founder of the Hizmet movement, passed away on Sunday, October 20, 2024. Click here to read more about him and some of his great achievements!

Live Sessions

Being a Mother to a Step-Son

My eldest is from my husband’s previous marriage. I don’t call him my step son as I treat him like my own. What are the rights of step mothers?

Fathers, Do You Follow These Examples?

When we look back to the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), we see a very different model of fatherhood. Follow the example of the Prophet, as a father.


Haram Relationships & Marriage

In marriage, we sometimes see parents giving in to haram relationships, behaving as if that’s the easy way of life. In so doing, they are making Halal life style difficult for them. Click to watch the video for more details, as Sheikh Bilal Assad explains more.