The teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) changed the lives of the Arabs fourteen centuries ago.
Before him, they were merely Bedouins with no civilization, as compared to the civilization that they themselves made after becoming Muslims.
The message and teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him) are for every time and place; they are for everyone to benefit and learn from.
So how can the teachings of the 7th century fit in the modern world of the 21st century?
Reading Islam presents a folder that will shed some light on the character, teachings, lessons, and leadership of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
What Would Muhammad Do?

It was through this declaration of brotherhood that Prophet Muhammad successfully solved two major problems that immigrants, in any era face, housing and food. He asked the helpers to share their houses with their brothers, and they did. They also shared their food and livelihood.
Read Also:
- If the Prophet Lived in America
- How Did Prophet Muhammad Deal with Refugees?
- Stories and Lessons from the Prophet’s Leniency
- If Muhammad Were to Live in Europe
- If Muhammad were to Live in Europe – 2
- What Would Muhammad Do?
- Nation and Nationhood: What Would Muhammad Do?
The Prophet’s Noble Character

The Prophets and Messengers of Allah were all blessed with the most gracious appearance and the noblest characters. Allah elected them, and certainly {Allah knows best with whom to entrust His Message.” (Al-An’ am 6: 124) And as such was Muhammad.
Read Also:
- Grateful for Every Kindness
- The Prophet’s Forgiveness of His Enemies
- How did the Prophet Deal with his Neighbors?
- The Prophet’s Love for Girls
- Hope & Trust of the Prophet
- The Prophet of Mercy: A Word Picture
- Winning Hearts
- The Prophet’s Kindness Towards People of the Book
- Good Manners – A Key to Paradise
- How the Prophet Reprimanded Children
- 3 Non-Muslims Praised by the Prophet
- Prophet Muhammad: Master of Tolerance
- The Ideal Father & Grandfather
- Prophet’s Respect and Love for Women
- The Prophet’s Mercy, Justice & Love
- Story of the Prophet and the Alcoholic
- The Prophet’s Absolute Honesty and Sincerity
- A Man of Charisma
- Learning the Prophet’s Kindness and Compassion
The Prophet’s Leadership

The Prophet (PBUH) was dedicated to the betterment of his people in all spheres of life. He first and foremost served his people as their teacher. He regularly used everyday instances to give insight, introspection, wisdom, and more.
Read Also:
- Muhammad (PBUH)- Prophet, Leader, Servant
- What Makes a Great Leader? Lessons from the Prophet
- 21 Lessons from the Prophet’s Successful Leadership
- The Prophet’s Wisdom in Leading His Companions
- 21 Leadership Lessons from the Life of the Prophet
- What Can We Learn from the Prophet’s Leadership?
- The Teacher of Mankind
- The Best Leader to Follow
- A Man Much Needed for the Current Time
- Our Beloved Prophet Leads us to Unity
- The Wise Mentor & the Enthusiastic Companion
- The Liberator of Women
- What Makes the Prophet a Great Leader?