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Where to Observe the New Safar 1439?

When will Safar 1439 take place?

Safar is the second month in the Hijri Calendar. Normally, a Hijri day starts at sunset. Thus, observing the crescent of a new Hijri month occurs during the sunset.

If the crescent sets before the sunset, this means there is no new month. If it sets after the sunset, this means the beginning of the new month.

The Astronomical New Moon (conjunction) of the new lunar month is on Thursday the 19th of October 2017 at 19:12 UT. On October 19, observers won’t see the moon anywhere.

Safar Crescent

In fact, the lunar Hijri year is eleven to twelve days shorter than the solar Gregorian year. As a result, Hijri month come earlier every year in a 33-year cycle.

Regarding Safar moon sighting, the new crescent will be seen in Africa and the Americas on Friday October 20.

Safar Crescent

However, on Saturday October 21, the new crescent will be easily visible almost everywhere in the world. This means that the beginning of the new Hijri month of Safar 1439 will take place on Saturday the 21st of October.

Safar Crescent