With it (water) He produces for you corn, olives, date palms, and grapes and every kind of fruit: Verily in this is a sign for those who give thought (Surat: An-Nahl: 16:11). Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allahโs Apostle saying โThere is healing in Black Cumin for all diseases except death.โ
Muslims have been using and promoting the use of the โBlack Seedโ or โAl-habbat ul Sawdaโ for hundreds of years.
Black seed has also been in use worldwide for over 3,000 years. However, many Muslims do not realize that black seed is not only a prophetic herb, but it also holds a unique place in the medicine of the Prophet.
Black seed is mentioned along with many other natural cures in the Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Mohammad [SAW]) and in the Qurโan.
However, many herbs and natural cures in the Hadith and Qurโan are simply โmentionedโ briefly, leaving the bulk of the descriptive narrative up to later Islamic scholars such as Ibn Sina or Ibn Rushd.
Black seed is one of the few that is said to โcure all diseases except death.โ
It is unique in that it was not used profusely before the Prophet Mohammad who made its use popular, and it is one of the few herbs that is described in great detail in the Hadith with recipes and instructions on usage actually being found in the Hadith themselves.
Last, but not least, black seed has been studied by Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Although there were more than 400 herbs in use before the Prophet Mohammad and recorded in the herbals of Galen and Hippocrates, black seed was not one of the most popular remedies of the time.
Because of the way Islam has spread, the usage and popularity of black seed is widely known as a โremedy of the Prophetโ.
In fact, a large part of this herbal preparationโs popularity is based on the teachings of the Prophet.
The Prophet not only mentioned the usefulness of black seed in his teachings, but also gave specific instructions on how to prepare the seed for medical use.
โThe Prophetโs Medicineโ is a collection of Hadith that instruct Muslims on the subject of sickness or medical treatment.
Since the black seed is mentioned so prominently in these writings, all eminent and famous hakims of the past and present have written on the medicinal benefits and healing properties of โkulunji.โ
In reality, since it was made popular in the 7th Century, there has not been a period in Muslim history when the use of it was ever stopped.
At all times the seed was utilized with the belief and faith that benefits will be derived from practicing the Holy Prophetโs Sunnah (Hana, 2001).
The black seed (nigella sativa) is an example of a prophetic remedy that has been studied extensively by both Muslims and non-Muslims.
Nigella sativa has been used since antiquity by Asian herbalists and pharmacists, and was used by the Romans for culinary purposes.
The name nigella comes from the Latin word nigellus, meaning black. Nigella sativa are small matte black grains with a rough surface and an oily white interior, similar to onion seeds.
The seeds have little bouquet, though when rubbed, their aroma resembles oregano.
They have a slightly bitter, peppery flavor and a crunchy texture. The seeds may be used whole or ground and are usually fried or roasted before use (they are easily crushed in a mortar).
However, although the seeds have been used for thousands of years in the kitchen, they have also been useful in the pharmacy.
Modern Studies
Ahmad Akhtar studied the effects of the black seed on nematoce worm infections in children (Akhtar, 1999).
The black seeds contain over 100 valuable components. Black seed is also a significant source of fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates and other vitamins and minerals.
The seeds are rich in sterols, especially beta-sitosterol, which is known to have anti carcinogenic activity (Tierra). The seeds are also known to repel certain insects and can be used in the same way as mothballs.

Black Seed
Black seed is also used in India as a spice and condiment and occasionally in Europe as both a pepper substitute and a spice.
It is widely used in Indian cuisine, particularly in mildly braised lamb dishes such as korma. It is also added to vegetables and dhal dishes as well as to chutneys.
The seeds are sprinkled on naan(bread) before baking and to some Garam Masala and Panch Phoran mixtures.
The Indians also use black seed medicinally as a carminative and stimulant, and to treat indigestion and bowel complaints. It is also used to induce post uterine contractions and promote lactation.
Despite the cure-all benefits of black seed, it must still be used with wisdom and caution. โThe seed yields a volatile oil containing melanthin, nigilline, damascene and tannin. Melanthin is toxic in large dosages and nigilline is paralytic, so the spice must be used in moderation (the epicenter).
This article was first published in 2001 and is currently republished for its importance.
- The epicentre
- Akhtar, Ahmad.1999. โNematoce Worm Infections in Children.โ
- Hana, Abeer. โSeed of Knowledgeโ Cairo Times, July 2001.
- Tierra, Michael. โQuotes about Black Seed.โ