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UFC Fighter Kevin Lee Converts to Islam

Former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fighter Kevin Lee has announced his conversion to Islam in a big surprise to many of his fans.

The 30-year-old fighter converted to Islam in 2021, yet he only disclosed this on January 10, 2023.

Kevin took to Twitter and wrote, “Since being public about my conversion as a Muslim I’ve had a lot of people reach out to give support. I see all the messages and calls I feel the love.”

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Kevin expressed that, “Allah always has a plan and I’m glad I’m on the right path.”

UFC Fighter Kevin Lee Converts to Islam - About Islam

In another tweet, Kevin wrote, “Just to clarify because I see the questions, I officially accepted Islam in my life in October 2021 I just have not come out publicly until recently. I want to start a podcast soon I can speak more in depth there.”

Many people welcomed Lee’s decision to become a Muslims, sharing good wishes on social media.

Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world, with the number of Muslims set to grow at more than twice the rate of the overall world population between 2015 and 2060 according to research by the Pew Research Center.