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355 Revert to Islam in Emirates

DUBAIโ€“ More than 335 Emirates residents of different nationalities reverted to Islam at the Islamic Information Center of the Dubai government-run Dar Al Ber Society during the holy month of Ramadan.

โ€œStaff preachers of the Center distributed 53,000 books and held 294 lectures and classes during Ramadan,โ€ Abdullah Ali bin Zayed, Executive Director of Dar Al Ber Society, told Emirates 24/7 on Tuesday, July 19.

โ€œThe Center has also organized 20 diverse activities and events this Ramadan, including collection of `Eid clothes and Zakat Al Fitr which were distributed to 400 indigent people, including new Muslims,โ€ he added.

According to bin Zayed, the new Muslims, originally from 17 different countries, were enlightened about Islam by the competent scholars of the Islamic Information Center, a leading branch of the society.

The center, along with philanthropists in Emirates, runs a variety of activities, services and courses to new Muslims and foreign community children in the most tolerant and attractive way as advised in the Holy Qurโ€™an.

Allah Almighty in Verse 125/16 said: โ€œInvite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best,โ€ Rashid Salem Al Junaibi, Manager of the Islamic Information Centre, pointed out.

โ€œProphet Muhammad, Peace be upon him, was reported as saying: โ€œBy Allah, if a single person is guided by Allah through you, it will be better for you than a whole lot of red camels.โ€

He added that scholars and preachers are more than ready to welcome visitors every day and answer their questions on the teachings of Islam and the biography of Prophet Muhammad, Peace be upon him.

โ€œThey also distribute simplified books, cassettes, CDs on Islam, Quran, Sunnah, and Arabic language to visitors, non-Muslims, and new Muslims, and run advanced courses for prospective scholars,โ€ Al Junaibi explained.

Established more than 20 years ago, Dar Al Ber Society centre has witnessed the reversion of 20,000 from 200 different nationalities to Islam.

According to Dar Al Ber Society, about 2,115 people reverted to Islam in 2013.

The number, compared to about 1,907 in 2012, showed an increase by about 10%, according to Aljunaibi.

The number was much less in 2011 as only 1,380 were reportedly converted to Islam, while 1,500 joined Islam in 2010 and about 1,059 in 2009.

The rate of non Muslims who embraced Islam this year during month of Ramadan has increased.

During this Ramadan, 250 expatriates reverted to Islam in Kuwait according to the Islam Presentation Committee (IPC).

In 2015, about two hundred and twenty Philippine nationals in Saudi Arabia reverted to Islam a few days after sharing iftar with the Islamic Guidance Office in Makkah.

The same month saw twenty expatriate workers from the Philippines reverted to Islam in a Riyadh mosque after worshippers concluded taraweeh prayer.

The expats, most of them from the Philippines, all work at King Abdulaziz University Hospital in Riyadh.