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11 Tips for Parents on How to Get Teens Become Practicing Muslims

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If you are struggling with your teenage child to get him/her pray, read the Quran, or attend the local mosque, then this is for you!

Indeed, itโ€™s a big challenge for many Muslim parents in the West to get their teenagers on track and become practicing Muslims.

Children at this age are often rebellious, and dealing with them could be stressful.

Practical tips

Because itโ€™s not an easy task, as parents, youโ€™ll have to exert a lot of effort to meet the challenge.

Here, we bring you practical tips to help you achieve your mission.

1. Take parenting more seriously than you would a full-time job.

Children are trust from Allah; He will ask how they were raised.

2. Reduce or exchange work hours for time with the family.

Mothers AND fathers canโ€™t instill values if they are not there,period.

3. Read the Quran for at least 5 min day.

To be a role model, what matters first is your strong connection with Allah.

4. Respect your teens.

Donโ€™t treat them like babies, but like maturing adults. Do not insult, humiliate, or talk down on them.

Respect means involving them in useful activities and asking for their opinion on important matters. Give them responsibilites.

11 Tips for Parents on How to Get Teens Become Practicing Muslims - About Islam

5. Take an interest in what they do.

Participate in their sports or school performances. Iniciate regular conversations about them, and pay attention to what the say.

6. Be aware of their problems.

If you sense that something bothers them, donโ€™t brush this feeling under the carpet. Address them straight on; they need your attention and guidance.

7. Build a masjid and an Islamic library at home.

Have a common space for worship. You can assign responsibilities, like calling for prayer or ordering new books. Put them in charge of keeping it clean and organized.

8. Take them out to Islamic actvities.

Joing together a community dinner or gathering, where they can meet other Muslims too.

11 Tips for Parents on How to Get Teens Become Practicing Muslims - About Islam

9. Provide the right role models.

Discuss what the Prophet or the Companions would do in certain situations.

10. Get them married early.

It will ease their temptations. They do not have to give up plans or studies for this. It is also your responsibility not to push them towards zina for let them wait too long.

11. Last but not least, make dua for them.

It is really Allah who guides and misguides. If you have done your job as a parent, keeping your teen practicing will be easier, in sha Allah.

Tips for Parents on How to Get Teens Become Practicing Muslims