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Marriage as a Roller Coaster: Special Tips

5. Beautifying and Admiration

The common mistake we all do is that we beautify ourselves when we leave home and neglect ourselves while we are at home.

Whom are we trying to please, our spouse or someone on the street? And keep in mind that men and women like to be admired by their spouses.

Saying how beautiful or how handsome is not a sin or you aren’t going to lose anything by expressing your feelings.

What is wrong in admiring the beauty of Allah? You are to low down your gaze in front of non-Mahram not in front of your husband or wife.

Husband No Longer Gets Intimate with Me; I Feel Ignored

6. Communicating and Listening

One should realize that even without these fancy tips, you still can love each other. A healthy discussion is the main key to open doors to the secret chamber of your spouse.

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A keen listener can be the best friend of your partner. You don’t want your friends to listen to you though Allah has given the best companion for you to talk with.

7. Get Rid of Ego

Egoism plays a major role in our marital life. When honeymoon ends and we tend to mind our own business, we seriously ‘do mind our own business’.

We think if our spouses do not reply to us due to the interest he or she has in reading or watching, why we should bother talking to them back!

This way, some spouses do not consider their partners in the relationship, all they think of and care for is their own ego!

8. Understanding What We Need From Each Other

A man’s primary need is for respect, while a woman’s primary need is for love. The pattern of argumentation that results when the wife does not show respect and the husband does not show love.

When a wife feels that her husband is acting unloving, she often reacts with disrespect, which in turn makes the husband act even more unloving.

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) has said, “A believing man should not hate a believing woman; if he dislikes one of her characteristics, he will be pleased with another.” (Muslim)

9. Patience

Finally patience is all what makes marriage successful. Everything said above could be put under the word patience. None of us are perfect and imperfectness is what creates the uniqueness.

Petals look alike but they are different, removing one different petal doesn’t make the flower beautiful but it makes it incomplete.

“Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full without reckoning (or measure).” (Qur’an, 39:10)

10. Keep Marriage Secrets

Don’t compare your marriage with your friends. Every marriage is made of odds and ends. Don’t share marital life’s secrets with others. Once your problem is over, you forget but others don’t.

If you find flaws in your relationship, keep faith in Allah and use the powerful weapon you are gifted with: D`ua.

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