In this counseling answer:
•I suggest informing her that her body is going through the physical and hormonal stages of puberty.
•She may have other changes to occur within her body such as the growth of pubic hair and underarm hair.
•She will need to know how to ensure her body is kept clean during her monthly cycle.
•She will need instruction to use personal hygiene products.
•Please be patient with her as she learns this new level of personal responsibility.
As-Salaam Alaykum,
This is surely a sensitive area of discussion for any developing young lady. To begin, as her parent, inform her of the requirement to protect and to give rights to her body. Allah has made a beautiful creation when He made mankind.
Our bodies have rights over us. We need to know to give them those rights when our bodies tell us of a need.
Stages of puberty
I suggest informing her that her body is going through the physical and hormonal stages of puberty. She may not be happy to hear this, but tell her these changes will occur for a few years! A period is one of many stages of puberty.
You may want to inform her she may experience pain or cramping while on her period. She can find ease with pain medication, getting rest, eating well and drinking lots of fluids to retain her nutrients as her body cleanses itself.
Many young girls are not prepared for the changes within their skin during the time of their period.
The changes may not happen with your daughter. But let her know if she experiences skin dryness or breakouts, she remains beautiful and the changes will go away within a few days! InshaAllah.
Menstrual Periods
It would be helpful for her to know what the menstrual cycle requires of her regarding her personal hygiene. She will need to know how to ensure her body is kept clean during her monthly cycle.

She will need instruction to use personal hygiene products and you will want to ensure she has a healthy product to use.
Next, guide your daughter to the requirements within Islam. For example, she will not be able to pray during the time she has her period, to read the Quran in Arabic or to fast while on her period.
Let her know these pauses in these acts of worship are mercies from Allah for those on her period. This is not a bad thing at all! Many have this false belief!
Check out this counseling video
In addition, let her be aware of what these physical changes mean for her as a developing young woman.
She has greater accountability to herself and to her growing body! Let your lovely daughter know she will need to safeguard her body as it continues to develop into the finer womanhood of a Muslimah.
Also, she may have other changes to occur within her body such as the growth of pubic hair and underarm hair.
Now, with having a monthly period, it will be even more necessary for her to shave her private areas, according to the Sunnah of Islam, to ensure cleanliness. InshaAllah.
For many parents, especially fathers, these discussions can be very difficult to have with a daughter. This is totally understandable! Watching your little girl grow up before your eyes can be hard and a gift at the same time.
I’m sure she is adorable! MashaAllah. Please be patient with her as she learns this new level of personal responsibility. It will take time for her to learn. I commend you for being concerned about how to handle such a delicate situation.
May Allah grant ease. Ameen.
Disclaimer: The conceptualization and recommendations stated in this response are very general and purely based on the limited information provided in the question. In no event shall AboutIslam, its counselors or employees be held liable for any damages that may arise from your decision in the use of our services.
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