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Accepting Islam: From Heart to Tongue

06 May, 2024
Q A friend of mine is a non-Muslim. She's ready to convert to Islam but she can't right now. Will she get reward if she says the dhikr? Makes dua? Does istighfar? Please answer as soon as possible


Short Answer: If she believes at heart, then she should start embarking on a beautiful journey of learning and connecting with her Creator. All she needs to do is to utter the shahadah (the testimony of faith). It is simple and easy. She can utter it on her tongue, while making sure she believes it deep in her heart, and she can do it alone in private. She doesnโ€™t have to declare it yet if this is a problem, but she needs to utter it even by herself if she truly sincerely believes it.


Salam Dear Questioner,

Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam.

Also thank you so much for your sincere desire to help others.

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May Allah (SWT) guide you and guide others through you and make this path a path of ease and peace and comfort for you and everyone else.  Ameen.

Now, with regards to the friend, it is absolutely beautiful, all praise to Allah (SWT) that she is ready to accept Islam.

We ask Allah (SWT) to descend ease, peace, serenity and comfort upon her heart, and to make her firm and certain of her decision.

We also ask Allah (SWT) to increase her in knowledge of Islam so that she may see a path full of wisdom, purification, light and beautiful incomparable connection with the Creator, Allah (SWT).

Why is She Not Muslim?

Now, with regards to your question on her making dhikr (which is remembrance of the Creator Allah Exalted be He), and dua (which is supplication to the Creator Allah Glorified be He), and istighfar (which is seeking forgiveness of The Perpetual Forgiver Allah Exalted be He)โ€ฆ. if she is already doing all of that, then how come she is not a Muslim?

All of those acts are directed to Allah (SWT), the Beloved Creator. All of those acts involve seeking closeness and connection with Him (SWT).

If she is doing that with sincerity; if she is calling on the One and Only Creator, if she is seeking Him alone for forgiveness, if she is asking Him alone to answer her prayer, then she is really a Muslim at heart.

The Shahadah

All she needs to do is to utter the shahadah (the testimony of faith). It is simple and easy.

She can utter it on her tongue, while making sure she believes it deep in her heart, and she can do it alone in private.

She doesnโ€™t have to declare it yet if this is a problem, but she needs to utter it even by herself if she truly sincerely believes it.

In the shahadah, she says:

โ€œI bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshiped) but, Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.โ€

She then says the Arabic:

โ€œAsh-hadu anla elaha illa-allah, wa ash-hadu anna mohammadan rasul-allahโ€

She can read here also on how to become Muslim.

If she tried to do that, then, inshaโ€™Allah, her Islam is valid, her past sins will be forgiven and all her good deeds like dua, adhkar and istighfar will be accepted.

This is an amazing beautiful opportunity to start clean and start living a beautiful life upon goodness, righteousness, pursuit of knowledge, purity and eternal bonding with the Eternal Creator.

Learning Islam

What she needs to do now as well is to gain more knowledge and understanding of what Islam is, who Allah (SWT) is, who Muhammad (peace be upon him) is and what the purpose of life is.

In brief, she needs to know that there is One Creator. He created mankind to teach them, test them and connect with them on deep intellectual, emotional and spiritual levels. Allah sent messengers to remind people of Him and of their purpose in life.

He sent Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. All of them are noble Prophets of Allah, all of them are part of the guiding plan for mankind. He sent a last and final messenger, Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) to teach people everything from the smallest of matters to the greatest of matters.

He sent the Quran, His Direct Word, to help people connect with Him until the Day they go back to Him. Eternal Paradise then is for those who acknowledged, loved and connected with their Creator in this worldly life, remembered Him, learned about Him and sought Him despite the challenges and temptations of this mortal life.

Embarking on the Journey

All of us are still learning, developing and trying to actualize our purpose in life.

Donโ€™t Get Overwhelmed: Allah Intends Ease for You

If she believes at heart, then she could start embarking on a beautiful journey of learning and connecting so personally, intimately and closely with her own Creator directly and He will guide her heart and guide her to all that is good and pure in this life and the next.

Let her speak directly to Allah (SWT) at her heart asking for help and guidance and He is most certainly listening, and He will most certainly respond.

I hope this helps.

Salam and please keep in touch.

(From Ask About Islam archives)

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About Dina Mohamed Basiony
Dina Mohamed Basiony is a writer based in Cairo, Egypt. She specializes in Islam and spirituality. Dina holds an MA and BA in Journalism and Mass Communication from the American University in Cairo.