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Having Churches in Saudi Arabia

03 August, 2016
Q As-salamu Alaykum. My Christian friend has asked me a question that I cannot answer: If Islam is all about peace and no restriction on other religions and Islam allows other religions to do what they want to do, why is it prohibited in Saudi Arabia and why canโ€™t Christians do their prayers or build churches? Jazakum Allah khayran.


Salam Dear Bilal,

Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam.

In fact, non-Muslims under Islamic Shari`ah do possess special rights irrespective of whether they constitute a minority or a majority. Islam makes it clear that Muslims are not allowed under any circumstances to burn holy places or books of non-Muslims or to abuse them.

In this context, I would like to cite the words of the prominent Muslim scholar Sheikh `Abdul-Majid Subh in his book Good Argumentation with the Doubters of Islam from the Qurโ€™an, the Torah, the Gospels and Science:

Permanent residence in foreign countries is always subject to particular restrictions and conditions. In Islam, this question is totally different. Non-Muslims residing in the Muslim State are ruled by the fair Islamic maxim that admits โ€œThey are entitled to have equal rights as Muslims have and to shoulder the same duties as Muslims do.โ€

Once I was in Italy where I met five monks. One of them challenged me, saying, โ€œWe have permitted you Muslims to build a mosque in Rome; then do you permit us to build a church in Makkah or Madinah?โ€

Eloquently, I replied, โ€œHere, you should consider the following three points:

1. Islam is a religion, state, and politics, and its constitution is the Glorious Quran; does the same apply to the Gospel?

2. Makkah is the sanctuary of Islam, and both Makkah and Madinah were the places of the descent of the revelation, the residence of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), and fields of Islamic history. Then, have you Christians permitted building the mosque in the sanctuary of the Vatican?

3. Muslims build mosques according to the instructions of the Glorious Quran. Do you find any instruction in the Gospel ordering building churches?โ€

However, his answers were in the negative. Consequently, it has been proved beyond doubt that the analogy between Makkah and Rome is invalid. Also, the claim that mosques are built in the Christian lands while Muslims do not permit Christians to do so is null and void, for churches are freely built in many of the Muslim lands.

While Muslim Personal Law is not recognized in the West, the Personal Law of non-Muslim minorities has always been recognized in the Muslim world.Having Churches in Saudi Arabia

Second, while throughout Europe and America, Muslims are not permitted to make the call to prayer (adhan) on loud speakers, church bells ring freely in the Muslim world.

Third, the wide spread anti-Islamic prejudice in the Western media is both a cause and a consequence of the underlying intolerance. Fourth, hate crimes are a fact of life in the West.
As just one small indication, nearly two-dozen incidents of vandalism have taken place against Mosques in the peaceful USA during the last seven years, not to mention hundreds of attacks against individuals.

Allah Almighty knows best.

Thank you again for your question and please keep in touch.
