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4 Stages of Purity: What Level Do You Have?

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Know that God loves the pure, and that purity has four levels.

1- The lowest level is keeping the body in clothing physically clean.

2- The next level is the purification of the body from sinful acts such as lying, adultery, and others.

3- The next level is the purification of the heart from its diseases such as envy, pride, greed, and so on.

4- The highest level is the purification of the heart from everything but God.

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Know that one cannot attain a pure heart until they purify it of its diseases. One cannot purify the heart of diseases until one purifies the body of sinful acts. One cannot purify the body of sinful acts until one is physically clean.


About Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali
Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) is one of the greatest Islamic Jurists, theologians and mystical thinkers. Al-Ghazali wrote many works on theology and philosophy like al-Iqtisad fi'I-i`tiqad (The Middle Path in Theology), al-Risala al-Qudsiyya (The Jerusalem Epistle), Ihya’ ‘ulum al-din (The Revival of the Religious Sciences)