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16 Clever Tips to Share Prophet Muhammad’s Teachings

Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith 667)

This hadith speaks for itself, for faithful Muslims who are familiar with this sentence know exactly what it means and represent. However, for those who are feeling a bit uncomfortable right now reading this and similarly the non- believers doing same, no need to panic or feel bad because this article is about Dawah.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith 667)

This simply means make dawah.

Dawah is an Arabic term which means to invite or summon someone. This term is often used to describe when Muslims share their faith with others, in order to teach them more about Islam.

The Quran command believers to

Invite (all) to the Way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious. For your Lord knows best who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance (16:125).

Basically, the goal of dawah is to share knowledge and information about the deen and to invite others towards a better understanding of the religion. This is because the faith of every individual is not determined by our family or our effort in trying to convert them but preordained by Allah “the most gracious and the most merciful”.

Some Muslims dedicate their entire life and career to this cause while others choose not to speak only about Islam unless asked. Rarely would you come across Muslims debating intensely over issues of religion or insisting on convincing someone to believe in Islam.

On the verge of giving dawah, there are methodologies which are expected of the Muslim to apply, which I believe you will find useful too.

They are:

1. Listen! Smile!
2. Be friendly, respectful, and gentle
3. Be a living example of the truth and peace of Islam
4. Choose your time and place carefully
5. Find common ground; speak a common language with your audience
6. Avoid Arabic terminology with a non-Arabic speaker
7. Have a dialogue, not a monologue
8. Clear up any misconceptions about Islam
9. Be direct; answer questions asked
10. Speak with wisdom, from a place of knowledge
11. Keep yourself humble; be willing to say, “I don’t know”
12. Invite people to an understanding of Islam and tawhid, not to membership in a particular masjid or organization
13. Do not confuse religious, cultural, and political issues
14. Do not dwell on practical matters (first, comes a foundation of faith, then comes day-to-day practice)
15. Walk away if the conversation turns disrespectful or ugly
16. Provide follow-up and support for anyone who expresses interest in learning more.

These were the steps used by those before you when they are on the verge of delivering dawah. You don’t have to be forceful as there is no compulsion in the religion of Islam.
