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Trust Allah – Always Expect Goodness from Him

Look at Allah’s wisdom! Sometimes we see something negative in our own minds, but then afterwards we look back and we actually realize that it was a really positive outcome.

Even in negative times, Allah only does good things. Even the death of loved ones has goodness in it. And we have to see it in this way.

Hajar’s Trust in Allah’s Plan

Abraham and his wife Hajar and son Ismail travelled from Palestine to Makkah; it was a very long and difficult journey. It’s a very similar to the journey that Abraham and Sarah had taken many years earlier when they were fleeing from Nimrod.

This is a key point. This sacrifice that Hajar has made for her husband is such a beautiful thing.

Hajar is a woman of faith. She has trust in Allah.

Now, why didn’t this happen earlier?

Because she had to have that time with the family in order to accept the oneness of Allah, to learn what this is all about and to accept it in her heart.

This will have been a time of spiritual building for her, where her faith is being built up. Because what is to come if she didn’t have this strong faith would have been too difficult for her to bear.

So, Allah has trained her for those years living in the family for what is to come afterwards.

(From Discovering Islam archive)

About Ustadha Ameena Blake
From Sheffield, UK; Ustadha Ameena Blake embraced Islam in 1992. Her academic qualifications include undergraduate in English Studies, Post Graduate in teaching, MSc in Leadership and Management and MA in Islamic Studies.Ameena has been active since 1994 having studied under various shuyukh and academics including Dr Jamal Badawi, Sh Abdul Aziz Atiq (Yemen), Sh Faisal Manjoo, Dr Atullah Siddiqui and others. Roles have included Vice President of MAB, Assistant Secretary General of the MCB and Head teacher of a girl’s Islamic school. She is founding director of the EHUK women’s refuge project and is a lecturer at Markfield Institute of Higher Education. She also sits on Mosque boards and is an Islamic advisor on Halal Guide.Ustadha Ameena lectures about Islam nationally and internationally and has appeared at conferences, fundraisers and events across the globe.Her topics include tazkiyah, women in the Quran, dawah and Seerah and others. She delivers regular live interactive lectures on Facebook and has appeared on channels including Channel 4, Sky TV, The Islam channel, BBC radio, Iqraa TV and others.