In chapter 12 of the Quran (Yusuf) we see a gifted young man thrown in prison for years under a false accusation. Imagine how he must have felt, confined within those dark, dirty stone walls for years, suffering loneliness and hunger!
It may be hard to believe it, but Allah was actually with this man at every step, delivering him from sin and death and in the end setting him in high estate.
1- The Quran clearly teaches us that patience is an important virtue that will be rewarded.
And those who observe patience in order to seek the pleasure of their Lord and establish Salah and spend secretly and openly from what We have given to them, and repel evil with good. Those are the ones for whom there is the ultimate abode, The eternal gardens they enter, and those as well who are righteous from their fathers, spouses, and progeny. The angels will enter onto them from every gate Saying, โPeace on you for the patience you observed. So, how excellent is the ultimate abode. (Quran 13:22-4)
2- The Quran provides us with many examples of patient slaves of Allahโ those who withstood terrible conditions for long periods but who remained faithful and obedient to Allahโ including Yusuf, Maryam, Jacob, and Job. Whenever you feel your life is too hard, just read their stories!
The ultimate patience is that of Allah. He leads us gently and compassionately and forgives us when we fail. He doesnโt condemn us when we make mistakes from ignorance as long as weโre sincere in our striving and prayers. Even when we become frustrated with our own failures Allah surrounds and embraces us with his love and encourages us to keep going.
3- The actual practice of reading and understanding the Quran is an excellent exercise in patience, and this is how we can experience real growth. The more we do it, the easier it gets, and then our task becomes to avoid complacence. Those of us whose mother tongue is not Arabic have a double blessing because we must develop more patience just to learn the language!
Patience is nothing without its companions, intention and striving, and all of them are nothing without our sincere prayer that Allah shows us the good road and keep us on it.
Marvelous treasures are waiting for you on this beautiful road. The more you learn Quran, the better you understand prayer, and the better you understand prayer, the better you can pray with your whole beingโ body, heart, and mind.
May Allah richly bless your study, your understanding, and your deen, bringing you an abundance of patience!