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Why Do We Send Peace and Blessings Upon the Prophet?

Over and over again, we send blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), but do we know the meaning of what we are saying or why we are even saying it?

Understanding what it is that we repeat at every mention of Prophet Muhammad’s name will not only increase our love for him but increase our awareness of how great this man really was.

God says:

Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [Allah to grant him] peace. (Quran 33: 56)

The Muslim scholar, Sheikh Al-Sa’di says:

“And in this there is an indication of the Prophet’s completeness, high rank, elevated status with Allah and His creation, and his wide fame.

Indeed, Allah the Exalted and His angels confer blessings upon him, meaning that Allah praises him before the angels, and in the exalted assembly of angels due to His love for him. And the angels also praise him, make dua [supplication] for him, and seek forgiveness for him in humbleness and humility.”

Imagine the status of Prophet Muhammad: Pure, sinless angels praise him and make dua for him. Not only that – our creator (God) praises him before these pure creations Himself!

Sheikh Sa’di continues:

“Oh you who believe, ask Allah to send blessings upon him and ask Allah to grant him peace. Through this you will be following the example of Allah and the angels, rewarding him for some of the rights he has upon you, completing your faith, glorifying him, loving and honoring him, increasing your good deeds, and expiating your sins.”

When Should We Send Blessings and Peace?

There is only one time that the blessing upon the Prophet is mandatory, and that is in the last part of the prayer, the tashahhud (when one sits down after the last prostration). There are, however, many times that sending blessings upon the Prophet are highly recommended. These include:

– After hearing his name mentioned

– After hearing the call to prayer

– While making dua

– During the prayer offered when a person dies

– During the Friday khutba (sermon)

– When entering or leaving the masjid

– All through the day of Friday

– When teaching and conveying knowledge

– At the time of the marriage contract

– In times of hardship and stress

Some of the Virtues of Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet:

– Fulfilling the command of God, as in the verse mentioned above

– Following the example of God and the angels

– Receiving ten blessings from God

The Prophet said:

He who sends blessings on me once, Allah sends blessings on him ten times and removes from him ten sins and raises him by ten degrees. (Muslim)

– Having the intercession of the Prophet on the Day of Judgment:The Prophet said:

Whoever sends blessings on me ten times in the morning and ten times in the evening will have my intercession on the Day of Judgment. (Al-Albani)

– Relief from worries and sins:Ubayy ibn Ka’b relates:

“I said: “O Messenger of Allah, I send much blessings on you. What proportion of my prayer should I devote to (sending blessings on) you?”

He said: “As much as you like.”

I said: “A quarter?”

He said: “As much as you like, and if you increased it would only be better for you.”

I said: “Then a half?”

He said: “As much as you like and if you increased then it would only be better for you.”

I said: “Then two thirds?”

He said: “As much as you like and if you increased it would only be better for you.”

I said: “I’ll devote all of my prayers to sending blessings on you.”

The Prophet said:

In that case it will suffice you from your worries and your sins will be forgiven. (At-Tirmidhi)

– It increases your love for the Prophet.

O Allah! Send Your mercy on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad, as You sent Your mercy on Abraham and on the family of Abraham. And send Your blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You sent your Blessings on Abraham and on the family of Abraham. Verily You are the Most Praise-worthy, the Most Glorious. (Al-Bukhari)