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5 Facts by Non-Muslims about Prophet Muhammad

1. The author of โ€œThe 100 Most Influential Persons in Historyโ€ says:

After extensive reading about the greatest figures of the eastern and western world, Michael H. Hart chose from among them the one hundred greatest. He entitled his book: โ€œThe 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in Historyโ€ and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was on top of the โ€œOne Hundredโ€ list.

Hart said:

โ€œHe was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels. It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad to be considered the most influential single figure in human history.โ€

In his ranking, Hart took into consideration effectiveness, quality, and expansion.

2. One of the western non-Muslim biographers of the Prophet (peace be upon him) says:

โ€œMuhammad was a devoted worshiper, a unique leader who unified his dispersed and broken nation. He was a warrior who formed strategies and commanded armies; he was a passionate father and a husband who provided repose, affection and mercy. He was, at the same time, a faithful friend, a generous relative, a neighbor concerned about his neighborsโ€™ problems; and so trustworthy a ruler that his nation was ready to sacrifice their lives for him. Apart from all that, he was the bearer of the greatest message known in history, which impregnated both the existence of mankind and the human soul.

When people realized that this Noble Prophet was the incarnation of all these excellent characteristics, they believed in all the principles he had brought. Since they didnโ€™t read about them in a book, rather found them personified in a living man, their souls were moved, their hearts craved for him, and they tried to follow in his footsteps as much as they could. Thus, he came to be the most important role model for all mankind throughout history, as he guided and educated through his behavior more than through the oral instruction.โ€

3. The British researcher Carlyle says:

โ€œIt is a great shame to doubt nowadays the validity of Muhammadโ€™s prophethood. Such opinions and meaningless statements should be confuted given that centuries after his death millions of Muslims around the world are still inspired by the guidance of his message.โ€

4. The British writer Miller says:

 โ€œSome religions concentrate on the spiritual side of human lives, lacking, however, any regulations regarding political, legal, or social issues. But Muhammad was a prophet, a trustworthy political leader, a law-giver, whose Shariโ€™a (Islamic law) contains adjudications and legislations of civilian, political, and social nature.โ€

5. The French writer Corsieh says:

โ€œBoth before and after his message, Muhammad was a brave, gallant young man, high above his societyโ€™s standards. Thanks to his excellent characteristics, he managed to guide the bigoted, idol-worshipping Arabs to the worship of the One Allah. And under the umbrella of his united democratic ruling, he managed to overcome all instances of chaos, all sorts of conflicts and fighting so widespread all over the Arabian Peninsula. He taught his compatriots the best conduct and the loftiest ideas, leading thus the Arab society from darkness to civilizationโ€.
