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Manifestation of God Through Science Are All Around Us

Manifestation of God Through Science Are All Around Us - About Islam

Children & Environment

While God talks about the connection between nature and those who reflect in His existence in relationship to the miracles seen in nature, there is also evidence that children who spend more time outdoors also develop greater intellect.

So it is also true that the closer we are to nature, the more polished our intellect, and the closer we become to God.

Author and clinical psychologist Kay Redfield Jamison writes about the importance of children being outdoors to cultivate their intellectual prowess.

Amongst the benefits of playing outdoors, includes: improving multi-sensory stimuli, stimulating creativity and inquisitiveness, and reducing anxiety, while building confidence and self-esteem.

Children also become more in touch with themselves and with others just by spending time with nature, indicating that being around God’s creations imbues senses of empathy and kindness.

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Seeing things in nature and connecting with the environment is therefore linked to overall health, including intellectual prowess that sees beyond mathematical logic and scientific formula.

The conscious acceptance and reverence of a Supreme Being as the Creator of the world and everything within it cannot necessarily be quantified, but the signs of God’s existence are always there.

Gödel & Einstein

Although Gödel was very much a mentee and a friend of Albert Einstein, their views differed slightly with respects to science and religion.

While Einstein also went through a journey of discovery as to the existence of a God, in the end, he did believe that “science without religion, is lame; religion without science is blind.”

Gödel on the other hand, believed God was “more personal” but held religions with respect and even believed in the existence of an afterlife. He was even quoted to having said, “I like Islam – it is a consistent idea of religion and open minded.”

Proving the Existence of God through Gödel

While scientists will continue to work on factual evidence that God certainly exists, probably many of them are spinning off on the works of great minds like Gödel and Einstein.

It would be interesting to find a complicated mathematical formula or computer program that can finally point towards the existence of God.

But as far as the eye can see, the signs of a Creator are all around us. And with due respect to scientists and their respective fields and the interesting work that they do, one really does not need to have an advanced academic degree in science to see the manifestation of God’s work in the scientific design of the environment.

Manifestation of God Through Science All Around Us
Editor’s Note: This article is from our archive, originally published on an earlier date


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