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Have You Had Your Vitamin D Today?

Vitamin D can be found in dairy products, red meats, fatty fish, and egg yolks.

She went to several doctors and underwent many tests to try to find out why her body was acting the way it was. She told Aboutislam that her condition put a strain on her lifestyle and not knowing what was causing it added to the stress.

“A year passed before any of the doctors thought to check my vitamin D levels,” says Abraheim. A test known as the 25-hydroxyvitamin cholecalciferol test showed that Abraheim was deficient in vitamin D.

Once she was diagnosed as being vitamin D deficient, doctors said that “it made sense as vitamin D has a huge impact on the immune system.” After being given a prescription strength vitamin D supplement, her health has been restored. She says “it has been fantastic, I can function again!”

Because of its important role in calcium absorption, the most obvious effect of vitamin D deficiency is on the integrity of bone structure. Those who are deficient in vitamin D are at a greater risk of suffering from osteoporosis, which is the softening of the bones.

Children who do not receive vitamin D fortified milk are at a greater risk of developing rickets, which can cause dental problems, impaired growth, and decreased muscle tone, among other symptoms. (

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Aside from bone development, vitamin D has been found to be essential in other body functions, the immune system. It is also involved in the life cycle of human cells. Deficiency in this vitamin is now associated with various forms of cancer and heart disease. (

Have You Had Your Vitamin D Today?

Vitamin D Deficiency and Hijab

“Even sitting next to a window on a sunny day can help,” says Abdelmoity.

In Islam, the Muslim woman is told to dress and she is encouraged to cover herself. Dressing and wearing the hijab should not be considered as limitations, as exposure of the hands and face to sunlight can be enough. But, this can translate in some instances to limited sun exposure for some women, such as those who choose to also wear a face veil and gloves.

Nora Mahmoud, a Muslim woman residing in Oregon, told Aboutislam that her typical attire consists of a headscarf, long sleeved shirt, and pants leaving her hands and face to be exposed to the sun. When asked how she avoids vitamin D deficiency, Nora said, “I take a women’s multi-vitamin that contains 800 IU (200% of daily need) [of Vitamin D].”

Women who feel they are not exposed to enough sunlight should become more aware of their vitamin D intake and try to make sun exposure, when appropriate, a priority. “Even sitting next to a window on a sunny day can help,” says Abdelmoity.

He also recommends consulting with a physician about taking a daily multivitamin that includes vitamin D. Abdelmoity cautions that it is important to make sure supplementation does not interfere with any current medications. Taking these steps, besides to eating a well-balanced diet should help ensure proper Vitamin D levels in the body.

This article is from our archive, originally published on an earlier date, and now republished for its importance.


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About Suzanne Fouad
Suzanne Fouad graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies concentrating on Elementary Education. She resides in North Texas where she has always been an active member in the Muslim community. She is currently pursuing freelance writing centered around topics of interest to the Muslim world today.