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Water for Life: Canadian Muslim NGO Combats Clean Water Challenges

The Qur’an describes water as a sacred gift from Allah – it gives life, sustains and purifies. Allah says in the Qur’an, “We made from water every living thing.” [Quran 21:30]

Allah also says, “And He sent down rain from the sky to purify you, free you from Satan’s whispers, strengthen your hearts, and make ˹your˺ steps firm.” (8:11)

Clean water is a fundamental human right; yet today millions of people worldwide continue to face significant challenges in accessing safe and clean drinking water.

The situation is no different in Canada where access to safe drinking water, especially in Indigenous communities, remains a persistent challenge.

📚 Read Also: “…And Made from Water Every Living Thing”

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Amid this global crisis, Human Concern International (HCI), a leading Canadian Muslim international relief charity, has launched a North America tour to engage Muslims to support sustainable solutions and make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected.

The tour, called Water For Life, sees HCI partnership with Altan Düzyatan, the acclaimed Turkish actor known for his portrayal of Ertuğrul Bey in the popular series Diriliş: Ertuğrul.

Altan’s personal commitment to environmental issues led him to produce a documentary titled Be Witness, raising awareness about water insecurity in Africa.

Recognizing his dedication to the cause of addressing clean water scarcity, HCI saw Altan an ideal ambassador for their cause and the voice of the organization.

“By partnering with HCI, we are empowering communities and creating lasting change,” said Altan Düzyatan.

“Together, we are building a brighter future where clean water is accessible to all, especially for the most vulnerable communities around the world.”

Long-term Sustainability

HCI’s approach extends beyond providing immediate relief, with a vision that emphasizes long-term sustainability through education and empowerment.

Recognizing the significance of collaboration, HCI has partnered with a Canadian organization called Water First, which is dedicated to addressing local water challenges within Indigenous communities.

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