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Chesterfield Clinic: Muslim Volunteers Offer Free Healthcare

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Members of the Muslim community in Chesterfield, Virginia, partnered with ICNA Relief to host a free clinic Sunday, October 27, for people in need of healthcare, WTVR reported.

“Within this community, especially in this area, there is a big need for basic services,” said Dr. Sidra Butt, an associate dentist at Spencer Dental.

Kaiynat Amir, the daughter of one of the organizers, said the goal of the Muslim Community Center of Chesterfield health clinics is to connect with “underserved” areas.

“We’re trying to reach more of a population where if insurance is an issue, they get information about that,” Amir said.

“Or if it’s an issue in terms of not being able to get to those physicians. They can have more access.”

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Free Health Care

This remarkable gesture is in line with the efforts of Muslim doctors nationwide who provide free medical care.

In April 2018, Muslims in Northeast Philadelphia opened a free health clinic to provide health services to the needy and poor.

Elsewhere in South Carolina, the Shifa Clinic has been providing much-needed medical help to the needy for years.

Earlier in January 2012, a group of Muslim doctors volunteered to open the Rahma Health Clinic. They provided free medical services for poor residents in New York’s Syracuse city.

Also in 2011, a free clinic was established by the Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent of North America to provide dental, ophthalmologic, pediatric and pain-management services on Sundays at the Bilal Mosque on St. Louis University’s campus.

Moreover, another clinic was opened by the Islamic Foundation of Greater St. Louis, in partnership with Volunteers in Medicine in October.

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