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Islam in Action:

Feeding the Homeless in Birmingham

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Feeding the homeless and caring for the poor are highly encouraged deeds in Islam.

In the Qur’an, Allah (SWT) says about believers:

And they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan and the captive.” (76:8)

A UK Muslim charity based in Birmingham is featured in this AP video, giving a glimpse of their efforts to help the poor and the homeless.

“I had very much preconceived notions of their faith and what have you, but certainly that has been transformed: they are doing a wonderful job” said a man interviewed in the video.

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“They are very very helpful” he added, “not just with the food, but also talking and what have you, and the insight they can give on various other aspects of life.”

A team of young Muslim volunteers organize their charitable activities to offer support to homeless people, by offering them hot meals and hot drinks.

A second man interviewed in this report said:

“What it does, it will give you a hot meal at night, and if you need to speak to somebody freely, that’s exactly what you can do here… All the boys here, they are all angels, basically. It’s the only way to put it.

Similar initiatives by young Muslims have been spreading around the UK, especially during the month of Ramadan. In Blackburn last summer, a group of Muslim volunteers also organized a similar event to feed the needy, reported here.

Check this three minute video for a glimpse of Islam in action in Birmingham.