Mornings can truly be some of the most beautiful moments of life.
Unfortunately, we are often too harried, not well rested, and just generally stressed out to benefit from the barakah-potentials of the morning hours.
Let’s take a look at successful people’s morning routines and follow the seven steps below to meet their lofty standards.
“O Allah, bless my nation in their early morning.” – Prophet Muhammed, as reported by Sakhr ibn al-Ghamidi ( Al-Tirmidhi)
1 – Set Your Alarm
Seems basic, but if you are a NEET ( Not in Education, Employment, or Training), you aren’t likely on a schedule.
New moms can also completely fall off a schedule while adjusting to their infant’s needs.
There are plenty of reasons why you may not be setting your alarm, but get back to it if you want some success. Own your time as much as you can.
2 – Set Your Intention
You set the alarm because you have a plan to get up and do x,y, or z, right? Set your intention for the entire day.
Even if it’s a simple goal, such as being patient or kind all day, you can benefit greatly from returning to those moments of clarity you had in the morning.

3 – Pray
If you are Muslim and you do not pray Fajr, you are likely going to have guilt about this and that will nag you all day.
Being guilt-ridden isn’t a habit of a successful person.
And when you do pray Fajr, you know that feeling of satisfaction it creates; you’ll be ready to start your day.
So just get up and pray Fajr. If you aren’t Muslim, a focused prayer is a great way to start the day – try it.
4 – Exercise? Yes, in Your Morning Routine!
Exercising in the morning helps keep your energy up for the entire day.
It gets positive hormones, flooding your system and making you feel great.
If you can, go straight from the prayer rug to the yoga mat or the pavement.
Find a way to get your heart rate up and your muscles warm before noon.
5 – Have a Great, Yet Appropriate Breakfast
For some people, intermittent fasting is a preferred way to eat.
For the rest of us, breakfast is super important but easily delayed while we rush around, and then we hastily eat something regrettable.
So if you exercise in the morning, obviously you need a breakfast to refuel.
If lunch is a long way ahead, maybe a hearty breakfast is needed.
If lunch is early, maybe you just need something light.
Whatever the day looks like, get a healthy and flexible habit in place for eating your first meal of the day.

6 – Make a ‘To Do’ List
Going back to intention, there are some people who go so far to say that if you don’t write it down, you don’t have any intention of getting it done.
Maybe you can remember the dozens of things you want to do every day, but wouldn’t it just be easier to make a list, prioritize your tasks, and work through them?
There are even apps you can use that will rollover your uncompleted tasks to the next day.
7 – Eat Your Frog First
Writer Mark Twain once said that:
If you have something to do in your day and you will procrastinate, it may likely weigh you down – like when you don’t pray Fajr.
So Twain suggested that you “eat your frog first” and then the worst of the day is over.
Whatever you are most dreading in the day – do it first. The rest of the day will be a piece of cake!
Perhaps work on adding these habits one at a time, but however you assemble your morning routine seeking success, insha Allah, you will achieve it as you are already stepping in the right direction.