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10 Tips for Children to Commemorate Prophet Muhammad’s Life

An All Year Round Practice

6. Write a Letter to a Loved One

Keeping in touch with loved ones and acquaintances is part of the Prophet’s sunnah.

The Prophet Muhammad encouraged keeping in touch with friends and family at all times in order to build a healthy ummah (nation).

Have your children write letters or post cards to loved ones who are far away. Not only does this allow them to keep in touch, but it also encourages them to express themselves in writing.

7. Read a Surah and Study the Tafseer

The most obvious way to commemorate the life of Prophet Muhammad is to read the Qur’an.

There are a multitude of blessings in reading the Qur’an alone.

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There are even more when it comes to understanding the message behind each surah (chapter) and the tafseer (interpretation) as this allows us to practice the principle within the surah.

So learn a new surah and study the tafseer. This will surely bring our children closer to the piety of Prophet Muhammad and his love for Allah.

8. Make Du’a All the Time

The Prophet Muhammad was known to make du’a (invocations) for everything. And there is a list of du’as available to Muslims that they can practice in their daily lives.

However, du’as, or invocations, are not limited to those alone, and Muslims should call upon Allah all the time, as Prophet Muhammad did.

A du’a can open doors for guidance and protect us from evil, with Allah’s will.

9. Meet Friends at the Masjid

Have your children meet with friends at the Masjid.

The Masjid, during the time of the Prophet, was the meeting point for Muslims, so it's great to make hanging out at the Masjid a social norm.
The Masjid, during the time of the Prophet, was the meeting point for Muslims, so it’s great to make hanging out at the Masjid a social norm.

The Masjid, during the time of the Prophet, was the meeting point for Muslims, so it’s great to make hanging out at the Masjid a social norm.

Besides meeting for prayers and Qur’anic / Islamic classes, encourage your children to bring their own books or simple crafts projects.

The more children enjoy being in the Masjid, the more likely they will find themselves returning to find solace and relaxation and nurture their love for a healthy social life, much like the youth during the Prophet’s time.

10. Enjoy Some Dates

Lastly, one of the best ways to harness our love for Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is to harness our love for dates.

There are a multitude of health benefits to enjoying dates on a daily basis.

10 Tips for Children to Commemorate Prophet Muhammad's Life - About Islam

That is why it is an important sunnah. Children who eat dates are also reportedly more calm and at peace.

To put an interesting spin on things, try out date-based recipes that include puddings, cakes, and stir-fries.

Definitely, there are many ways to imbue our love for the Prophet Muhammad all year round.

Speaking to our children about Prophet Muhammad in everything we do helps them follow the footsteps of the final Messenger of Allah to do it conscientiously and with full of love.

We should also continuously invoke blessings upon the Messenger of Allah and pray that our final abode in Jannah (Paradise) is as close as possible to his.


This article is from our archive, published on an earlier date, and highlighted here for its importance.

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