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Can I Apply a Patch on My Arm While Fasting?

10 March, 2025
Q Can I apply a patch on my arm while fasting?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

  1. Patches delivering nutrients or medicines to the body should break the fast.
  2. If oneโ€™s medical condition requires the use of patches delivering nutrients or medicine to the body one should skip the fast unless it can be applied only during the night.
  3. If patched are applied only to the skin, then it should not break the fast.
  4. As for nicotine patches, they are akin to smoking tobacco and they should be avoided.

In responding to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:

There are different types of patches for various functions. Patches delivering nutrients or medicines to the body should break the fast.

If, on the other hand, patches are applied only to the skin, then it is like massaging the body with oil; in which case, it should not break the fast.

If oneโ€™s medical condition requires the use of patches delivering nutrients or medicine to the body one should skip the fast unless it can be applied only during the night.

In such case, one can delay applying the patch till after breaking the fast. While enjoining fasting during the Ramadan, Allah says, {if anyone of you is sick, or traveling then he or she may skip the fast and make up for it later. Allah wants for you ease; He does not wish to impose hardship on you.} (Al-Baqarah 2:184)

As for nicotine patches, they are akin to smoking tobacco. One should shun it altogether. Smoking is a sin; it destroys health as well as the valuable resources which one ought to use for beneficial causes.

Therefore, we ought to seize the opportunity of the blessed month of Ramadan to quit such habits. A person who fasts sincerely should be able to do so by the help of Allah. Many people have done it; so with faith and complete trust in Allah, it should not pose a problem for a true believer.

As for using patches for medical health problems, one should refer to the advice of his or her physician. I pray to Allah to grant us discernment in thoughts and actions.

Almighty Allah knows best.