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Anxiety Takes over My Trust in Allah

19 September, 2023
Q I trust Allah more than anything. But I have been so scared in the past few days bc of my career and financial issues and I also had anxiety issues and I just went to astrologer. They said good things but when I got out I felt so guilty bc it will reflect I don’t trust Allah but I do trust him. I repented for it. Will Allah accept my apology or he will think I don’t trust him? I reallyyyy dooooo trust him, sometimes my anxiety takes over me. I am so nervous! I am already in such a bad position will I have more problems now bc of what I did? I said sorry to Allah for it and apologized!


In this counseling answer:

  • Instead of an astrologist (which is basically a fortuneteller that we are prohibited from seeking help from), you seek help from a therapist or psychologist if you feel anxiety is unbearable.
  • As Muslims, one of our biggest strengths is our connection with Allah through duas.
  • Sport is statistically one of the best ways to release your anxiety. Do something that makes you happy, such as walking, hiking, bicycling, running. Be with yoru loved ones and practice breathing techniques when needed.

Assalamu aleikom sister,

Thank you for trusting us with your concern. I am so sorry to read about your anxiety. At times, we all get anxious, so you are not alone, sister, with your feelings.

Trusting Allah

You said you trusted Allah, but you went to an astrologist in order to ease your anxiety about your future, and now you doubt whether you made the right decision.

You think that asking for help to ease your anxiety is a sign that you do not trust Allah.

First of all, trusting Allah does not mean you should not seek help from others. You sit back and wait until the challenges go away from above your head.

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As you know from the famous hadith, trust Allah and tie your camel. Let me copy a short part of an article on the meaning of trusting Allah. I highly recommend you read the full article.

“Tawakkul sometimes is mistaken for being laid back and thinking your problems will be solved without your intervention. Tawakkul (trust in Allah) should not be mistaken with giving up your efforts thinking that somehow your challenges will get resolved. Rather striving and working with the attitude that Allah will take care of your affairs and will help you in getting through your trials is part of you relying on Allah.”

“Reliance does not mean you do not work for provision, neglect education or not apply for a job, and miss an interview deadline. Allah has decreed that we must work and it is from His ways that He give people when they strive.”

“Do not sit in your home and claim that your daily sustenance will come to you! Allah orders us to depend upon Him and to work at the same time. Thus, the act of striving for our sustenance is an act of physical worship while trusting in Allah is worship of the heart as Allah says:”

So seek provision from Allah and worship Him (alone). (Quran 29:17)

So, sister, you do the right thing when you actively do something to release your anxiety, and part of the process is seeking help from others.

However, I strongly recommend that instead of an astrologist (which is basically a fortuneteller that we are prohibited from seeking help from), you seek help from a therapist or psychologist if you feel anxiety is unbearable.

What to Do With Anxiety

Besides therapy, there are a couple of things you can do to ease your anxiety:

Making dua

As Muslims, one of our biggest strengths is our connection with Allah through duas. After each prayer, take your time and complain to Allah.

Tell Him how hard your heart is right now and ask him to direct you to things that ease your pain. Tell Him, ask Him, and talk to Him, as He is the one who turns hearts and changes situations.

Doing sport

Sport is statistically one of the best ways to release your anxiety. It produces “happiness hormones” such as dopamine that help you tackle your bad feelings. Do something that makes you happy, such as walking, hiking, bicycling, running, or going to your local gym.


Pursuing a new hobby will also boost your energy and help you tackle your anxiety.

Meet friends and family

Surround yourself with people who are positive and bring you energy. Talk to them, do something uplifting with them, or do something that makes you happy.

Breathing techniques

There is a very easy yet effective breathing technique that immediately calms down your anxiety: breathe in through your nose for 4 counts, hold your breath for 4, then let it out in 4. Repeat it a couple of times.

Remember, any time you feel anxiety is too hard to deal with alone, seek help from your local therapist.

May Allah make things easy for you,

Read more from Aya Timea:


Disclaimer: The conceptualization and recommendations stated in this response are very general and purely based on the limited information provided in the question. In no event shall AboutIslam, its counselors or employees be held liable for any damages that may arise from your decision in the use of our services.

About Timea Aya Csányi
Timea Aya Csányi studied Psychology and Islamic Studies Bsc. at the International Online University. She is a certified NLP® Practitioner, one of our writers and counselors at the "Ask the Counselor" section. She has been the editor of the "Ask the Counselor" section for 10 years. Now she mainly works as a fitness trainer and journalist.