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How Will Jesus Return? Born of a Virgin or From the Sky?

07 December, 2020
Q Salam Alekum, This argument ensued between a cross section of believe and Christian this Sunday and I ll be glad if immediate answer can be supplied. 1.The Christians believed in the second coming of Jesus so some Muslims, can you please tell us succinctly well if Jesus is coming again with Quranic and or Hadith backing. 2. If he is coming, he's going to be birthed or how. 3. If he is not coming, didn't that negate Q 3:185? Awaiting your quick response. Thanks


Short Answer: 

  • “We find the expression that Jesus will “descend” among the people. This is repeated in several hadiths. But we do not find the expression that he will be “born” a second time… 
  • Jesus’ second coming will be in the same form as he was at the time when he was raised up. He will appear among the people without anybody noticing him at first as it were, and there is no chance of anyone seeing him descending from the sky either.”

Peace be with you brother. Thank you for your question and for contacting Ask About Islam.

The Second Coming of Jesus Foretold in Hadiths

The belief in the second coming of Jesus is shared by both Christians and Muslims.

The sayings of the Prophet regarding Jesus’ second coming are well known.

Here is just one of many:

There is no prophet between me and him (i.e. Jesus Christ), and he shall descend. So, recognize him when you see him. He is a man of medium height, of ruddy and fair complexion; he will be dressed in two yellow garments; the hair of his head will appear as though water was going to trickle down from it, whereas it will not be wet. He will fight people in the cause of Islam, will break the Cross and kill the swine and will abolish jizyah; and Allah will put an end to all communities in his time except Islam; and he will slay the Antichrist (Dajjal); and he will stay in the world for 40 years; then will die and the Muslims will offer the funeral prayer for him. (Abu Da’ud and Ahmad).

Jesus Will Unite Christians And Muslims as One Ummah under the Banner of Islam

As the hadiths above indicate, Muslims believe that Jesus will return at the end of time and will clear all the confusion prevailing in the world regarding his life and mission.

And on his second coming Jesus will lead the Christians of the world to recognize the truth of Islam and consequently the world of Christianity will merge with the world of Islam as one Ummah.

Thus the True Religion of Islam will emerge as a mighty force defeating and wiping out all remnants of the false religion that misled the lives of various peoples of the world till then.

This is the promise of the Creator, Sustainer, and Sovereign Ruler of the whole universe, and certainly this is how things will come to pass in the end.

The foregoing in a nutshell is the prophecy about the second coming of Jesus as believed in Islam.

The Second Coming Does Not Mean a Second Birth

There is the question whether Jesus will be born again of a virgin mother as part of his second coming.

Such an idea is not warranted by the hadiths where his second coming is predicted.

We find the expression that Jesus will “descend” among the people. This is repeated in several hadiths.

But we do not find the expression that he will be “born” a second time.

Besides we must remember that Jesus was raised up at a critical juncture when he was about to be captured by the Romans.

Thus the belief is that he didn’t die; but alive with Allah Almighty, until the time for his descent comes.  

Some commentators on the hadiths given above have suggested that Jesus’ second coming will be in the same form as he was at the time when he was raised up.

He will appear among the people without anybody noticing him at first as it were, and there is no chance of anyone seeing him descending from the sky either.

And Allah knows best.

I hope this helps.

Salam and please keep in touch.

(From Ask About Islam archives)

Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links:

Why Did Prophet Muhammad Come After Jesus?

The Second Coming of Jesus

Jesus Will Return: Why Not Muhammad?