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The Second Coming of Jesus

28 August, 2024
Q As-salamu `alaykum. We Muslims believe in the second coming of Prophet Isa (Jesus). When he descends to earth, the world will change drastically. Muslims and Christians will unite as one ummah (community) and wealth will be in abundance. My question is, how do we recognize Prophet Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) when the time comes? What does he look like? What language will he speak? What is his obvious characteristics?


Short Answer: In Islam, the second coming of Christ (PBUH) is not only one of the peculiar signs of The Final Hour, but it is also a glorious conclusion of the history-long confrontation between tawheed (monotheism) of all genuine prophets on the one hand, and the multitude of polytheist deviations (deifying Jesus, etc.) that corrupted the teachings of Jesus after his departure. As for Prophet Jesus’ features, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

I was shown in a dream in the night that near the Kabah there was a man, fair-complected–fine among the white-complected men that you ever saw. His locks of hair were falling on his shoulders. He was a man whose hair was neither too curly nor too straight, and water trickled down from his head. He was placing his hands on the shoulders of two persons and amidst them making a circuit around the Kabah. I said, ‘Who is he?’ They replied, ‘Al-Masih [the Messiah] son of Mary’. (Muslim) 


Asalamu Alaikum Iszman, 

Thank you for contacting About Islam with your question.
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him-PBUH) foretold the second coming of Prophet Jesus (PBUH) as one of the signs and the prelude to The Final Hour. 

Abu Hurayrah narrated:

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Allah’s Messenger said, ‘The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary [Jesus] descends among you as a just ruler. He will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the jizyah tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts)’. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) 

In this hadith, Jesus (PBUH) breaking the cross refers to him refuting the invented story of his crucifixion and resurrection. And killing the pig means that he will prohibit the eating of its meat again, as it is in Islam and in the original Law of Moses. 

And abolishing the jizyah (a tax paid by non-Muslims–instead of the zakah (obligatory charity) paid by Muslims–in return for the equal rights, protection, and services they enjoy in a Muslim state)in this hadith, means that this ruling will be abolished, as all Christians will follow Jesus (PBUH) in his second coming and become Muslims. 

However, his coming will be preceded by the appearance of the Antichrist (the Dajjal, the Imposter), who will come to lead people away from the truth of Islam, by showing what appears to be miraculous actions—by the will of Allah—that will deceive only the naïve and unbelievers. 

`Abdullah ibn `Amr reported that Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said:

The Dajjal would appear in my ummah [community] and he would stay [in the world] for 40—I cannot say whether he meant 40 days, 40 months, or 40 years. And Allah would then send Jesus, son of Mary, who would resemble `Urwa ibn Mas`ud. He [Jesus Christ] would chase him [the Dajjal] and kill him. Then people will live for seven years where there will be no rancor between two persons. (Muslim) 

Also the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

I was shown in a dream in the night that near the Kabah there was a man, fair-complected–fine among the white-complected men that you ever saw. His locks of hair were falling on his shoulders. He was a man whose hair was neither too curly nor too straight, and water trickled down from his head. He was placing his hands on the shoulders of two persons and amidst them making a circuit around the Kabah. I said, ‘Who is he?’ They replied, ‘Al-Masih [the Messiah] son of Mary’. (Muslim) 

Apart from that, no other details are given as to what Jesus (PBUH) will look like, what language he would speak, or any other marking features. His face will not be like those portrayed and consecrated by the Christians and their churches. These have been visualized, from imagination, several centuries after his departure. 

However, true believers will first know the Antichrist by his deeds as narrated by the Prophet (PBUH). Similarly, Jesus (PBUH) will not be mistaken for anybody else, as he will declare himself as a prophet of Islam, coming to correct those who changed his message and to unite all the believers under the banner of Islam. 

In Islam, the second coming of Christ (PBUH) is not only one of the peculiar signs of The Final Hour, but it is also a glorious conclusion of the history-long confrontation between tawheed (monotheism) of all genuine prophets on the one hand, and the multitude of polytheist deviations (deifying Jesus, etc.) that corrupted the teachings of Jesus after his departure.

The fact that this confrontation will be a major event in human history is stressed and amazingly expressed in the Quran. The Quran repeatedly exposes Christian distortions and warns those who advocate these invented deviations.

This proclamation will justly come through the same prophet who was misunderstood most, whose message was most sinfully tampered with, and whose personality was disfigured in such a way as to deceive generations of people and to corrupt the pure monotheistic belief he carried. 

The second coming of Christ does not contradict the fact that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the Seal of the Prophets, through whom the final message and guidance of Allah to humanity has been completed.

The return of Jesus is not a new phase of divine messages of Allah, but a final reaffirmation and revival of the message of Islam, the eternal call of all prophets and messengers. 

Hope this answer is satisfactory. Thank you and please keep in touch. 

Walaikum Asalam

Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links:

The True Story of Jesus

Isn’t Jesus (Alive) Superior to Muhammad (Dead)?

Armageddon and The Battles of The End Times

5 Muslims’ Beliefs about Jesus’ Second Coming

How the Quran Differs From the Bible