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How Can I Avoid Music?

08 January, 2017
Q Assalaoalaikum, I am encountering a rather strange situation at home. I decided a short time back that I will stop listening to music voluntarily as I figured there was so much confusion about its permissibility, and also most of the music these days have inappropriate lyrics. However, both of my parents listen to music occasionally, like in the car or rarely at home. Now, I don't want to argue with them on this, as I know they might not take it very well even though I really wish they shared my thoughts. Please don't misunderstand; they are amazing people, very thankful of Allah's blessings, and they never stop me from practicing the religion as I deem it appropriate. I haven't verbally declared that I am not going to listen to music anymore. But, as I used to listen to it before and was interested in it, when my parents put any song on, I seem to like it, whereas I don't want to like it. I hope I am making some sense. I would highly appreciate if I could get some advice as to how should I deal with this. I respect my parents and I don't want any conflicts with them. Jazak Allah


Peace be upon you brother,

Thank you so much for sending your question.

It is highly praiseworthy that you are working earnestly to follow what is pure and lawful and leave that which is forbidden and doubtful for the sake of seeking Allah’s Pleasure, remaining on the straight path and earning the highest rewards in Paradise.

May Allah reward you for your sincere pursuits and make you among those:

{Who listen to speech and follow the best of it. Those are the ones Allah has guided, and those are people of understanding.} (Quran 39:18)

Your situation reminded me of the following hadith of our Noble Messenger (peace be upon him-PBUH). Hasan bin ‘Ali (May Allah be pleased with them) said:

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I remember (these words) from Messenger of Allah (PBUH): “Give up what is doubtful to you for that which is not doubtful; for truth is peace of mind and falsehood is doubt“. (At- Tirmidhi)

You are doing the right thing because giving up unlawful and doubtful matters give us peace of mind. We encourage you to remain steadfast and Allah will certainly help you. Remember:

{And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.} (Quran 65:2-3)

So, what are a few tips to deal with this situation?

1-Remember that dua (supplication) is very powerful.

Make dua constantly for your parents that Allah softens their hearts and redirects them to that which is more beneficial and rewarding.

As the Prophet (PBUH) said:

Hearts are between two of the fingers of the Most Merciful, and He controls them. (Sunan Ibn Majah)

So remember that your dua for them could empower you personally and bring the blessings and aid and support of Allah to your case. Don’t let a day pass without making sincere dua for them.

2-Think of alternatives.

Instead of spending time in the car or at home listening to music, bring them something more beautiful, productive, and rewarding.

For example, you could find beautiful melodious Quran recitations and play it for them. There are plenty of Quran reciters whose voices are absolutely heavenly and soothing.  

See here and here for examples. All of you will definitely benefit from this. The powerful words of Allah will enrich your hearts and minds like nothing else.

3-Ask them to listen to your Quran recitation.

Memorize a new surah (chapter) or a few verses, and recite it for them, asking them to correct you if you make any mistake. They’ll be happy and proud that you’re making such noble progress and will find a higher purpose listening to their son’s recitation rather than listening to music.

The Words of Allah are remembrance and healing and absolute Truth. Who could rival that from among His helpless creation?

4-Remind your parents of this hadith (saying of the Prophet):

The one who memorized the Quran shall come on the Day of Judgment and (the reward for reciting the Quran) says: ‘O Lord! Decorate him.’ So he is donned with a crown of nobility. Then it says: ‘O Lord! Give him more!’ So he is donned with a suit of nobility. Then it says: ‘O Lord! Be pleased with him.’ So He is pleased with him and says: ‘Recite and rise up, and be increased in reward with every Ayah.’ (Jami` at-Tirmidhi)

Who would want to miss out on a reward like that?

Remind them that your ranks with Allah on the Day of Judgment and your level in Paradise will be affected by listening, getting reminders from, memorizing, following, and reciting the Quran.

So, isn’t this high reward worthy of investing time working on?  So, remind them kindly and gently of that.

{So remind, if the reminder should benefit} (Quran 87:9)

5-Play audio lectures in the car.

There are plenty of really enjoyable and interesting lectures on different topics (many even on Youtube) that benefit and enrich one’s time and heart and mind.

6-Plug your ears.

To avoid listening to the music even if it is played around you, you may plug your ears with ear plugs. And  do istighfar and tasbeeh to take your mind off of listening to what is being played.

7-Explain it to them.

You can intelligently and creatively try to explain to your parents the opinion of the scholars regarding the impermissibility of musical instruments and so forth.

For example, you can send them an interesting video by a sheikh or scholar they respect. You can send a whatsapp video or article to them with the explanation.

You can print the article out and share it with them if they prefer reading print outs. You can purchase a booklet on the subject and share it with them.

And remind them that what’s impermissible in Islam is much less than what is permissible, and there are halal alternatives for everything.

Please read this specific explanation we gave earlier as well. Seek the alternatives that bring reward and benefit and leave that which is doubtful and doesn’t bring any real benefit in this world or the next.  

Seek Allah’s pleasure, He has prescribed for us that which is for our own benefit. He is The Most Knowing of our condition, and we have only one life here to earn our eternal place near Him, The Source of Beauty, Purity, Peace, and Light.

Who would willingly and knowingly waste this opportunity?

Be absolutely gentle and humble with their parents and do not face them with anything less than beauty and excellence in conduct. You are only a reminder, and guidance is from Allah.

Allah will help you, brother, so keep calling on Him and never give up.

Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links:

What Is Kindness to Parents?

Islam And Music

Is Music Haram? Dr. Shabir Ally Answers

Prophet Stories – Sheath AS (Creation Of Adultery & Music)