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Down with Lockdown Blues? Here’s How you Can Still Stay Optimistic

08 July, 2020
Q I have not been the same since the lockdown. Slowly I feel how I am losing sense of purpose.I have become easily irritable and not as forgiving as I used to be. The future looks murky and uncertain and I know it is in Allah's hands, but I just don't have the strength anymore to continue being optimistic amidst all this chaos what can I do please help.


Short Answer:

  • This pandemic has been remarkably difficult and I find myself having to remind myself (and others) that it is okay to allow ourselves to experience lockdown blues as our lives are adjusting. However, it’s important we still try to stave off feelings of hopelessness and despair about the future. You are not alone in feeling like this.
  • It is important we focus on trying to improve our soul’s state of being steadfast and aiming towards thankfulness for every situation Allah (SWT) may have placed us in.
  • We must remind ourselves to continue asking Allah for what is best for us in these unexpected situations, and to even consider asking for His help in reaching a point where we are in full reliance of Him. Allah (SWT) is with us every step of the way and loves to hear from us.


Asalaam Alaikum,

This pandemic has been remarkably difficult and I find myself having to remind myself (and others) that it is okay to allow ourselves to experience these mood fluctuations as our lives are adjusting. However, it’s important we still try to stave off feelings of hopelessness and despair about the future. You are not alone in feeling the Lockdown Blues.

Lockdown Blues: How to Stay Optimistic?

On some level, many people understand the concept of tawakkul (reliance on Allah) but sometimes our understanding is more of a passing concept than an imprint on our soul, if that makes sense.

Often our fear of the unknown comes from a teeny tiny seed of “What if the future holds something bad for me that I can’t handle?”. 

There is a lovely set of reminders in relation to how we should see our future in this hadith:

On the authority of Abi al-Abbas Abdillah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with both of them) who said:

“One day I was riding behind the Prophet (peace be upon him) and he said to me, “O young man, I shall teach you some words of advice. 

Be mindful of Allah and Allah will protect you. 

Be mindful of Allah and you will find him in front of you. 

If you ask, ask of Allah. 

If you seek help, seek help from Allah. 

Know that if the nation were to gather to benefit you with something, they would not be able to benefit you except with what Allah has already recorded for you. 

If they were to gather to harm you with something, they would not be able to harm you except with what Allah has already recorded against you. 

The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried”.

(Hadith #19, “40 Hadith of Imam An-Nawawi”)

Allah (SWT) also reminds us in the Holy Quran that He will not burden us with more than we can bear (2:286) and that we should try our best to turn to Him in patience and prayer (2:153).

On Steadfastness and Thankfulness

It can truthfully feel a bit weird at first to explore the idea of gratitude when coping with major hardships, but in these two virtues lay some of the keys to inner peace.

Indeed it is a beautiful and lofty goal to try to aim for a state of patience and acceptance of one’s situation, even in the face of surprisingly unexpected disasters. 

It is vital I point out first that being steadfast doesn’t mean pushing all negative feelings inward nor does it mean one should feel shame for not achieving the embodiment of these goals.

These are hopefully goals for us to try to do to the best of our ability within our various situations. All Allah (SWT) asks of us is to try our best, of course.

Allah (SWT) says in Surah Ibrahim, Ayah 12:

“Why should we not put our trust in Allah, when He has truly guided us to the very best of ways? Indeed, we will patiently endure whatever harm you may cause us. And in Allah let the faithful put their trust.”

In conclusion, it is important we focus on trying to improve our soul’s state of being steadfast and aiming towards thankfulness for every situation Allah (SWT) may have placed us in.

We must remind ourselves to continue asking Allah for what is best for us in these unexpected situations, and to even consider asking for His help in reaching a point where we are in full reliance of Him. Allah (SWT) is with us every step of the way and loves to hear from us.

And Allah knows best.

I hope this helps.

Salam and please keep in touch.

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