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Does God Exist in Each of Us?- Part 1

29 December, 2016
Q I use a Bible that translates from Aramaic to English, the Peshitta. An older copy of the Bible has been dug up by Biblical archaeologists. It is being translated into English. So far, scholars say there are no variations from the translation of a more recent copy made by George M. Lamsa, Ph. D. Lamsa's translation is the one I am using. George's native language is Aramaic. John 1:1 reads: "The Word was in the beginning, and the very Word was with God, and God was that Word." John 5:7-8 reads: (7)"And the Spirit testifies that that very Spirit is the truth. (8)And there are three to bear witness, the Spirit and the water and the blood; and these three are one." These verses seem central to your message. The Trinity seems to me an incomplete explanation. That is why the current Pope recently said: "It is a great mystery". "Is every person `incarnated' according to Christian theology?" An ancient Aramaic explanation of souls or spirits is that our spirits are pieces of the universal Spirit that are separated for this physical life. When we die we return to God. A more humorous explanation is that we are chips off the "Old Block." A more serious look at this concept explains why Jesus said, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." Instead of Trinity the "all-presence" of God in Jesus, in you and in me is a better explanation of "divinity" and "humanity" in one person. God's all-presence allows Him to read minds. Therefore, it is not possible to lie to Him. All-Presence also explains how God experiences everything we experience, including our deaths and resurrections in Him. This meets the understanding of God as unlimited, infinite, and very personal. God revealed, demonstrated, this infinite and personal character through Jesus. Is this an explanation that gives Muslims insight into God's presence with them? Please give me your thoughts. Peace,


Salam (Peace),

Thank you for contacting About Islam with your question. Please find part one of the answer to your question below. Find the second and final part at the link here.

To begin with, from Lamsa’s translation website, I found that he has translated the Old and New Testaments from a manuscript that is different from the accepted Massoretic Text.

There are only four manuscripts older than the fourth century CE in Aramaic. There is a disclaimer on the Home Page of the website concerning Lamsa’s translation.

I couldn’t find if the Shepherd of Hermes and/or the Gospel (Epistle) of Barnabas were in the manuscripts he translated from or not. They are in the Codex Vaticanus.

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Now, let me come to your question. Forgive me, but speaking truthfully, your explanation doesn’t help with the Muslim’s understanding of God’s presence with them. Let me explain.

Muslims do not believe in inherited sin. Adam and Eve were forgiven by God in their own lifetimes. So, the Christian stigma of being born in sin is not true according to Islam. Hence, there is no need for a sacrifice and atonement.

The Christians insist sin is so serious that God cannot forgive it, and so, there has to be atonement. So, what happens to all those people who died before Jesus (peace be upon him-PBUH) lived? Do you have any reference for your understanding?

There is a passage in the Bible which says: “One person cannot bear the sins of another […]” Everything comes into existence by the command of God. He only has to say “Be” and it is.

The Muslim understanding is when Adam and Eve together (the women is not the weaker sex here in Islam) disobeyed the command of God, God told them:

{Get all of you down from here. And if, as is sure, there comes to you, Guidance from Me, whosoever follows My guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.} (Quran 2:37-38)

This is a promise from God that He will not forsake man, but will send guidance to mankind so that mankind can regain their rightful place with God. The Prophets brought the guidance from God, all coming with the same message: Worship One God and follow my way – what I say and do.

Prophets were sent to their own people as Jesus (PBUH) said in the Gospel:

[I come to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel] (Matt. 15:24)

However, the last Messenger, Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to the whole world with the final message:

{Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favor upon you, and have chosen Islam for you as your way of life.} (Quran 5:3)

God has taken on Himself to preserve the Quran for all time. Where are the messages brought by the other prophets preserved, in the language in which they were revealed, from the time they were revealed? The originals simply do not exist.

This is why we have versions and translations of the Bible. It is only true that the revelation of the Quran is preserved in the language in which it was revealed, since the time of its revelation as a living language.

This is why we do not have versions of the Quran. A translation of the Quran is not the Quran. The words of men and the words of God are different. Listen to someone who knows Arabic and the way they recite the Quran to realize the difference.

Please continue reading at part two at the link here.

Salam and please keep in touch.

Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links:

Jesus: Is He God in Human Form?

Did Jesus Die to Bring Eternal Life To Man?

Does the Quran Deny Jesus’ Divinity?

Did Jesus Die for Our Sins?

Innocence or Original Sin?