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3 Planning Tips for The Best Wedding!

24 August, 2023
Q Salam . My marriage is right around the corner. I observe niqab( from my cousins too) . Our event has seperation for males and females but the males come to female side off and on and especially when the groom comes on female side ,the male cousins and uncles follow him too. Im very worried about my hijab on that day. Kindly give me some tips on how to observe pardah in a wedding dress ( and with heavy make up)?. should i cover all of my hair with hijab ( in case some non mehram sees my picture or in person) or can i just have an extra duppatta to cover my face and front( just like brides wear it on nikah ceremony ( although it wonโ€™t be see through) ) . Because i really wanted to look like a proper bride ( although hijab is nearer to taqwa i know) . Kindly answer this query of mine. Secondly how can i forbid people to not take my pictures with their cell phones?


Short Answer:

  • Congratulations sister. You can have a private โ€œroomโ€ erected for yourself, with temporary barriers, near the main party area.
  • As soon as you see some men approaching, you can get up and go into this โ€œroomโ€.
  • You can have special requests included in small print at the bottom/inside flap of the wedding card. Such as, โ€œWe request you to kindly respect the privacy of the bride at the event, by not taking any photographs/videos of her. Thank you!โ€œ.
  • In addition, you can have a picturesque notice printed and hung at the entrance of the ladiesโ€™ section. This could remind all incoming guests, in large print, to not take photographs inside. Make sure the wording is polite, and the placard is beautifully adorned. Most Muslims respect such reminders and endeavor to obey them.


Asalaamu alaykum, and thank you for sending in your question to our website.

Congratulations, sister, on your upcoming nuptials. May Allah bless your marital union. Your concern for observing the rules of Islam during your wedding celebrations is commendable. I ask Allah to grant you ease and to facilitate your wishes. Ameen.

Planning Wedding Tip 1: Solicit the help of sympathetic family members and/or friends

During most Pakistani wedding festivities, a bride does little except sit still and look pretty. Especially once she is ready. All the โ€œworkโ€ viz. managing the events, is done by her close family members and friends.

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Therefore, if you wish to implement the rules of hijab on your wedding events, you will need the help of such family member(s) or friend(s).

Try to get these people on board beforehand. It could be a parent, sibling, cousin, childhood friend, or combinations thereof. Ask them to be on alert during the festivities, to preempt any breach of your privacy. E.g. to request people not to take pictures of you with their phones. To โ€œusherโ€ non-mahramales away, preventing them from coming where they can see you. They can also drape your extra veil (โ€œdupattaโ€œ) over your head, when the groom enters along with other men.

Whether you cover your hair with a hijab, or leave it uncovered, is your choice. Stick to that which will be easier for you, practically.

Planning Wedding Tip 2: Temporary party barriers

Erecting temporary barriers during an event or party often works wonders for maintaining privacy. Usually, event managers, caterers, laborers, waiters, and chefs work from behind such skillfully erected barriers.

These are often strategically placed around an event, to direct the movement of guests. One purpose is to also ensure that the guests cannot see those working โ€˜behind the scenesโ€™.

This is one factor that can help you tremendously, as the bride. You can have a private โ€œroomโ€ erected for yourself, with such temporary barriers, near the main party area.

As soon as you see some men approaching, you can get up and go into this โ€œroomโ€. For this reason, I suggest that you not don very heavy attire or high heels. As these can hamper your movement. Inside this room, you can fix your makeup, eat and drink, or have a private word with someone, if need be.

In lieu of the same, you can consider foregoing an elevated stage as well. This will ensure that you cannot be seen from a distance. Not having to descend a stage each time, will also let you enter your โ€˜private roomโ€™ whenever you want to.

Planning Wedding Tip 3: Let your wishes be known through the invitation cards

You can be creative with the Pakistani wedding invitation cards that are customarily sent out in advance. For example, you can have special requests included in small print at the bottom/inside flap of the card. Such as, โ€œWe request you to kindly respect the privacy of the bride at the event, by not taking any photographs/videos of her. Thank you!โ€œ.

In addition, you can have a picturesque notice printed and hung at the entrance of the ladiesโ€™ section. This could remind all incoming guests, in large print, to not take photographs inside. Make sure the wording is polite, and the placard is beautifully adorned. Most Muslims respect such reminders and endeavor to obey them.

Of course, for this, you will need to have the permission of the elders of your family, beforehand. So work on that right now.

Be brave and proactive, sister. Please keep in mind that you can make your wedding a form of daโ€™wah. Do not be afraid to be the change that you want to see. Think outside the box.

Even celebrities are creative when it comes to their weddings. They break so-called โ€œrulesโ€ and try new things. Many people have successfully discarded rigid cultural norms at their weddings. So why canโ€™t a Muslim use their wedding to initiate a positive trend?

Who knows, your efforts could inspire other hijab-observing girls to take similar steps on their weddings, too. And this will help you to earn ongoing rewards, inshaรllah

After all is done, trust in Allah

Sister, keep making immense dua to Allah, to help you. Pray salatul hajah for this purpose, preferably before Fajr, every day. Remember that nothing can happen except with the will of Allah. He knows your sincerity of intention and your desire to obey Him. Nevertheless, we cannot always control the actions of other people, especially elders.

Therefore, if, Allah forbid, your guests end up crossing any limits, do not show a negative reaction. Maintain your composure at all times during your wedding. Remain patient and calm, knowing that you did all in your power to prevent transgressions.

I pray that Allah grants you a very happy married life. Aameen.

And Allah knows best.  

I hope that this answers your question.  

Salam. Please stay in touch.

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