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What Do We Tell Our Daughters About Trump?

04 February, 2017
Q Assalamu Alaikum, I work so hard to teach my daughters to respect themselves and that Islam gives all people-- men, women, rich, poor, Muslim, and non-Muslim-- dignity. But I just don’t know how to explain to them how Trump was elected even though he does not treat people with dignity? How can I explain to them that their leader does not respect them as Muslims or as females?


Wa ‘alaikumus-salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh Nazeera,

Thank you for contacting About Islam with your question.

First of all, I extend my dua to you and your family and all of those experiencing great turmoil and difficulty in these times.

May Allah grant you all ease and comfort, and protect you from the trials and tribulations that are affecting this ummah (global Muslim community) in all parts of the world, Ameen.

These are certainly difficult questions to answer, especially when coming from our children. However, as parents, we need to be the ones to show our children what it means to have trust in Allah and remain poised and confident even when there is much to fear.

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One way that you can discuss the topic of Trump, Islamophobia, and sexism with your daughters is to explain that there are individuals in the world who do not care about justice, but only care about what serves their own selfish desires – primarily, their desire for power over others.

Unfortunately, although we wish that the legal systems of our countries would prevent such people from being given positions of authority, the reality is otherwise.

However, this doesn’t mean that we should be afraid and succumb to a sense of helplessness and terror. Instead, we should remember that this is a theme that has played out since the earliest times of human history.

The Quran tells us the story of Pharoah, who ruled over Egypt with an iron fist, persecuting Bani Isra’eel in terrible ways.

Yet, in the most unexpected of ways, Allah brought about a powerful revolution through the Prophet Musa (Moses-peace be upon him- PBUH) – a revolution that would not have taken place if he had not been raised by Aasiyah (peace be upon her- PBUH), the wife of Pharoah and Prophet Musa’s adoptive mother.

Aasiyah (PBUH) undoubtedly raised Musa (PBUH) to be aware of his miraculous origins – of how he had been brought into her arms, floating in a tiny basket, and deposited by the Nile River into her embrace, the only infant boy of Bani Isra’eel who survived Pharoah’s deranged massacre.

It was Aasiyah who taught him to be aware of the injustice that surrounded them, and instead of being complacent or silent, to actively fight against it however possible. It was Aasiyah who taught him the meaning of courage and conviction.

And in the end, truth always triumphs over evil:

{And say, “Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart.”} (Quran 17:81)

Because of the faith and strength of people like Aasiyah and Musa (peace be upon them both), even the most terrifying of tyrants will be defeated, by the Will of Allah.

As a parent, consider yourself in the position of Aasiyah (PBUH), raising your children to be individuals of faith, hope, and justice like Prophet Musa (PBUH). Though our political leaders may be evil, we know that justice will always prevail.

RasulAllah (PBUH) and the earliest generations of Muslims went through a similar experience of suffering and torment from those in power. However, those first believers, men and women both, remained steadfast in their love for their Creator and their trust in Him.

They never gave up hope in Allah, knowing that Allah, al-Qawiyy (the Most Powerful), al-Jabbaar (the Compeller), is the One in control of all things.

The Muslims, and even their non-Muslim family members, were driven out of their homes and socially and economically boycotted for three years – with RasulAllah’s beloved wife, Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her) and his uncle, Abu Talib, dying because of it.

Despite all the pain and all the hardship, RasulAllah (PBUH) never gave up on his hope and his trust in Allah.

Allah reassured RasulAllah (PBUH), and all believers when He said:

{Verily, after hardship comes ease. Indeed, after hardship comes ease.} (Quran 94:5-6)

As Muslims, and as women, we must remember the stories of the great believers who came before us and who experienced similar trials of torment.

Aasiyah (PBUH), Khadijah (may Allah be please with her), Sumayyah bint Khayyaat, Asmaa bint ‘Umays, Umm Shurayk, and so many other Muslim women faced terrible treatment from political leaders who had no respect for them …

But they proved themselves to be far stronger than their oppressors. By learning about these women, we are reminded that Allah has promised us that no matter what difficulties we go through in this life, He is always with us.

If we are patient and strong and refuse to give up, we will experience victory in both this world and the Next – for as long as we believe in Him and strive for justice, He will grant us the most incredible, wondrous, and beautiful of rewards … Jannah.

{Allah has promised the believing men and believing women gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally, and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence; but Allah’s pleasure is greater. It is that which is the great attainment.} (Quran 9:72)

Please continue feeding your curiosity, and find more info in the following links:

1400 Years Ago, Islam Offered the Perfect Social System for Women

Islam and Social Justice (Part 1)

Islam and Social Justice (Part 2)

Trust Allah & Know Your Creator

Were There Female Prophets?