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Pakistan Floods: Muslim Charities Appeal for Help

Several Muslim charities have launched appeals to help Pakistan after heavy monsoon rains caused flash floods and landslides that resulted in over 400 deaths including 77 children. 

“With more floods expected to hit Pakistan in the coming days, some of the most vulnerable communities will be affected,” Tufail Hussain, Director of Islamic Relief UK Said in a statement.

“This is a race against time to help people who have lost their homes and means to make a living,” he added.

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The situation has deteriorated over the last couple of days and reports from authorities have confirmed that over 34,000 homes, 977km of road infrastructure and 61 bridges have been destroyed.  

“We urgently appeal to people to support this emergency appeal so we can reach as many people as possible. Unfortunately, we are seeing the reality of climate change hitting the poorest and least responsible,” Hussain said.

Pakistan Floods: Muslim Charities Appeal for Help - About Islam

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Another Muslim charity, Penny Appeal, has also launched an appeal to help the country.

“The extreme monsoon downpours across Pakistan have resulted in over 300 tragic deaths so far, with the government issuing warnings of further life-threatening downpours. Families are mourning their loved ones while trying to survive these horrific conditions – we must act now!” a statement by the charity read.

“Penny Appeal Pakistan have been providing essentials to help families survive these circumstances. From food packs, clean water, jerry cans and hot meals, we are working to support those most in need. But we must do more!”

Human Appeal, another British Muslim charity, has also urged people to help Pakistan.

Helping Hands for Relief and Development, another global Muslim charity has also launched an appeal to help them provide food packages and medical services in affected areas.

“Your generous support will make it possible for HHRD to continue to provide urgent life-saving essentials for thousands of families in need at this time, as well as rehabilitation efforts in the months to come,” the charity wrote on its website.