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Muslim Peace House Addresses Trump Supporters

Dear Trump Supporters

Posted by Peace House on Sunday, April 10, 2016

CAIRO – Peace House, a media, art and activism group in the US, has released a new video addressing the supporters of Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

The company shot a video called “Dear Trump Supporters” after Peace House team attended a Trump rally disguised as satirical characters.

The video, which addresses Trump supporters’ fears, was widely shared on Facebook, twitter and YouTube.

The 5-minute video has been viewed on Facebook more than 1.3 million times and has collected more than 900 comments.

It was also shared for more than 29,000 times.

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The view drew many positive comments, praising the effort by the group Muslim team to reach out to the opposite side.

“This is why I follow you guys, amazing video. I am not Muslim, in fact I grew up being scared of people who are different,” one wrote in a comment on Facebook.

“If it weren’t for my dear Muslim friends in high school and also a dear friend being lost in drug addiction converting and is now the most healthy amazing person, I probably would still be afraid of Islam.

“Not realizing that the religion is about peace and hope. Peace House is important to bring the conversation of love and I thank you,” she added.

Margret Cho, an American comedian, actress, fashion designer, author, and singer-songwriter has also praised Peace House vide.

“@PeaceHouseUS great job. You are why America is already great. #peace,” she wrote on Twitter.

Muslims make up 1% of America’s 322 million population, according to Pew Research center.

The video comes at a sensitive time for American Muslims who have been feeling the hate of presidential primaries which witnessed increase of anti-Muslim rhetoric.

The Republican presidential candidates, such as Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson, have added to increasing anti-Muslim sentiments.

Trump’s views on immigration have sparked controversy nationwide, especially his proposal to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the US.

Moreover, anti-Muslim sentiments have reached an all-time high after the rise of the so-called Islamic State, formerly known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).