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ISNA Convention 2016 in Pictures

CHICAGO – Muslims from across North America gathered in Chicago from September 2-5 to attend the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) 53rd annual convention, one of the largest gatherings of its kind on the continent.

The Convention themed, “Turning Points: Navigating Challenges, Seizing Opportunities,” brings together both Muslim and interfaith individuals, families, businesses and non-profit organizations for a full schedule of lectures, discussions, debates and entertainment.

Government and interfaith leaders, as well as heads of organizations brought greetings and well wishes for a successful gathering during the inaugural session.

ISNA is the largest Muslim umbrella organization in North America.

ISNA’s annual convention dates back to 1963, when the first such event was organized by the predecessor to ISNA, the Muslim Students Association of the United States and Canada.

Copyright: The photos used were first published on ISNA facebook page.