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Dhul-Hijjah 3: What Does Allahu Akbar Mean?

Dhun-Nun Al-Masri said; โ€œWhoeverโ€™s heart and tongue is busy with dhikr, Allah will cast into his heart the light of yearning for Him.โ€

Mu`adh ibn Jabal said; โ€œThere is nothing that will save the son of Adam from the Hellfire more than remembrance of Allah.โ€

People said; โ€œO Abu Abdur-Rahman, not even jihad in Godโ€™s path?โ€

He said; โ€œNot even if he fought until he broke his sword, because Allah says in his book: {and the remembrance of Allah is greater.}โ€

Dhul-Hijjah: Rewards Multiplied

Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said concerning the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah: โ€œThere are no greater nor more beloved days to God for deeds than these ten days, so make much tahlil, takbir, and tahmid therein.โ€ (Ahmad)

Takbir is to say, โ€œAllahu Akbar.โ€ It was the practice of the Companions that during the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah they would go into the marketplace and make Takbir. The people there would follow them in saying โ€œAllahu Akbar.โ€

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What Is the Meaning of Allah Akbar?  

Itโ€™s your personal mantra that Allah is greater than all, nothing grander or superior to him. The Prophet (PBUH) said to Adi ibn Hatim while inviting him to Islam โ€œO Adi, what are you running from? Do you know of anything greater than Allah?โ€ (Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi)

Live your life knowing that you have the Greatness of Allah on your side. Any negative emotions, ill will, or problems that seem insurmountable pale in comparison to His greatness.

By turning to Him alone, asking of Him alone, relying on him alone, worshipping Him alone without anyone or anything between you, by affirming his greatness you will realize that through Him and with Him all things are possible.

Takbir on Eid Days

On Eid days, there are many takbirat that are repeated leading up to the prayer and then for 3 days after every prayer.

Takbirat are reported from several Companions, such as Ali, Umar, Ibn Abbas, and Salman, to be โ€œAllahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha illa Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa lillahi โ€˜l-hamdโ€ as well as several variations thereof.

In a hadith Qudsi the Prophet (PBUH) said, Allah says โ€œGreatness is my cloak and grandeur my waistcloth; whoever competes with me in either I will punish him.โ€ (Muslim)

Imam Al-Ghazali said โ€œAl-Mutakabbir (One who affirms his own greatness) is the one that see all as insignificant when compared to himself. He does not see greatness or grandeur in anyone but himself. He looks to others as kings to slaves.

If his viewpoint is correct, then he truly is Al-Mutakabbir, and this is not conscionable in any way except for Allah the Mighty and High.โ€

Join Imam Joe Bradford to understand the virtues of saying Allahu Akbar during Dhul-Hijjah days.

Source: JoeBradford