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The 7 Oft-Recited Verses: An Introduction to Al-Fatiha

Surat Al-Fatiha with is the opening of the Qurโ€™an; it is the introduction to the Book of Allah, summarizing the meanings and teachings that follow in the rest chapters of the Qurโ€™an.

The most powerful names of Allah are included in this one surah. It is so significant that we are commanded to recite it in each rak`ah of our daily prayers.

This series provides a detailed explanation of the Surah. We repeat this Surah tens of times every day, letโ€™s learn and get inspired by the meanings of this special and significant Surah.

More from Dr. Yasir Qadhi:

Dr. Qadhi: Scholars Humility vs. Arrogance of the Ignorant

Story of Abu `Ubaidah: The Ummahโ€™s Trustworthy Man

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How the Prophet (PBUH) Dealt with Islamophobia