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What Aisha Would Do When She Felt Angry with the Prophet (PBUH)

All relationships have ups and downs; even most loving spouses may have some frustrations.

The Prophetโ€™s home was no exception. However, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him was wonderful when handling such moments.

In this episode of Confessions of the Companions, we learn how Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) used to treat Prophet Muhammad when she was angry at him. We see also how the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) commented on that.

Letโ€™s learn from our beloved Prophet how to nurture happy families.

Join Dr. Mohannad Hakeem in this short, inspiring video.

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Companions Confessions Series

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About Dr. Mohannad Hakeem
Dr. Mohannad Hakeem is an educator, activist, and author who has studied traditionally under multiple scholars in the Muslim world for the past 20 years. He is originally from Lebanon and currently resides in Dearborn, MI, USA, where he has helped establish multiple community initiatives and organizations, with a focus on youth empowerment and education. His most recent book, "The 40 Hadith on Community Service," draws inspiration from the Quran and the Sunnah to provide young Muslims with an "algorithm" for success and excellence in both the worldly life and the afterlife. In his professional career, Dr. Hakeem earned a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. In this role, he has taught several students, conducted research, and authored 80+ patents and technical papers.