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The Muslim Daily Prayers: Why 5 Prescribed Times?

The five daily prayers are of such significance and merit to the life of a human that Allah (the Wise and Knowing) has distributed them throughout the day in a unique pattern at different times, from sunrise to nighttime. In order, they are:

Fajr (Dawn) Prayer

Dhuhr (Noon) Prayer

Asr (Afternoon) Prayer

Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer

Ishaโ€™ (Night) Prayer.

Why Five Times?

This way, remembrance of Allah (the Sublime and Majestic) is not restricted to just one time of the day or night; rather, praying at set times during the day maintains a continuous connection to and dependence upon Allah, keeping us constantly aware of our Creator and never oblivious to Him.

Each of the five prayers has a specific time, prescribed by Islamic Law, during which it must be performed. Allah says:

Establish regular prayers. Indeed, performing prayers is a duty on the believers at the appointed times. (Quran 4:103)

If the appointed time of a prayer is missed, the prayer is not waived and must be made up for.

The Times of the Beginning and End of the Five Daily Prayers

Dawn Prayer:

From the break of true dawn (horizontal white light spreading across the horizon) until sunrise.

Noon Prayer:

From the time the sun passes its meridian (midday) until the shadow of a thing is equal to its length.

Afternoon Prayer:

From the time when Noon Prayer ends until the sun sets.

Sunset Prayer:

From sunset until the disappearance of red twilight.

Night Prayer:

From the disappearance of the red twilight glow until the middle of the night.

Local time varies around the world, and, therefore, prayer times vary from city to city. If you want up-to-date prayer times, you can download a mobile prayer times and Qiblah compass application or use the Athan Times computer application from Islamic Finder: