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How to Pray Istikhara for Marriage?

Compiled by Reading Islam Team.

What is Istikhara?

Istikhara means to ask Allah to guide you to the path best for you concerning a specific matter.

 The Prophet used to teach the Companions to make Istikhara Prayer in every matter. He said:

โ€œIf you are about to make a decision, pray two rakโ€™ahs, outside of the obligatory prayers, then say,

โ€˜O Allah! I seek guidance by virtue of Your knowledge, I seek ability by virtue of Your power, and I ask of Your great bounty. For You have power, and I do not. You know, and I do not. You are the Knower of all that is hidden.

O Allah, if You know that this decision is good for me in my faith, worldly life, and the Hereafter, then make it easy for me, make it happen, and bless me through it.

And if You know that this decision is bad for me in my faith, worldly life, and the hereafter, then distance it from me and keep me away from it, then ordain for me goodness wherever it may be, and make me content. โ€œ (Al-Bukhari)

Taking Decision in Marriage

Making istikhara before taking decision on your future spouse is very important. When you make istikhara for marriage, keep the person in mind when making the intention, then perform 2 unites of prayer, then praise Allah, mention His Greatness and plead:

โ€œO Allah! I seek guidance by virtue of Your knowledge, I seek ability by virtue of Your power, and I ask of Your great bounty. For You have power, and I do not. You know, and I do not. You are the Knower of all that is hidden.

O Allah if You know that (here mention the personโ€™s name) is good for me concerning my Deen, world and Akhirah then grant him/her to me (make it possible that I marry her/him)โ€ฆโ€

Some Duโ€™as for Marriage





Heavenly Marriage



dua 1


What if Marriage Failed Despite Istikhara?

First of all you must know that Istikhara is a prayer and Dua in which a person prays to Allah to guide him to reach a right decision.

The expected result of Istikhara is that the relevant person himself takes a decision which is good for him/her.
To make an Istikhara does not mean that a person abandons all other necessary enquiries. A person must carry out all efforts necessary to reach a correct decision even after making Istikhara.

It is possible that the marriage failed not because the decision to marry that person was wrong but because they could not properly handle the marriage, or it is possible that the decision to marry that person was correct but the decision to divorce was wrong.

Duโ€™a of Istikhara