In modern times, we have become accustomed to living on our own as if God didn’t exist. Many people feel that religion is no longer relevant. They claims that modern books of science and progressive thinking have replicated the ancient books of religious teachings.
What about the Qur’an? Has this book become outdated as have many others?
Many areas of investigation lead to the conclusion that the Qur’an remains relevant to modern humans. Using the tools of our progressive thinking we can see that the Qur’an isn’t the product of humans. Indeed, it’s a divine revelation.
Scientific Wonder
Consider for example the fact that modern science has led to the outdating of some ancient scriptures. Why has this not happened in the case of the Qur’an?
The answer is that the Qur’an expresses its ideas in an understandable manner to its first audience. But it similarly makes sense in the scientific age.
For example, the verse number 47 in Surat Adh-Dhariyat says that God created the universe with power. And that he’s expanding it.
The idea of the expansion of the universe wasn’t quite comprehensible at that time. People tended to think that God is expanding the provisions in the universe.
Over the last century, however, scientists have proved the expansion of the universe. Edwin Hubble first noticed this as he peered into his massive telescopes in 1929.
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Penzias and Wilson won the Nobel Prize in 1964 for their discovery of Cosmic Background Microwave Radiation. These waves started at the time of the Big Bang explosion of time and space in its four dimensions.
Similarly, the verse 11 in Surah Fussilat in the Qur’an speaks of a time when the universe was dukhan. The first hearers of the Qur’an would have understood this word dukhan to mean smoke.
But a reader today can understand the word to refer to the gaseous mass out of which the universe emerged. This is explained by Dr. Maurice Bucaille in his book The Bible, The Qur’an and Science.
Moreover, the verse number 30 of Surat Al-Anbya’ in the Holy Qur’an speaks of the heavens and earth being joined together before God split them asunder. Today we would understand this as a reference to the familiar unified origin and eventual separation of the galaxies.
The same verse 21:30 says that God created every living thing from water. In the past people wouldn’t have been able to fully appreciate how true this statement really is.

But today we are quite aware of the watery origins of life. Hence the single Qur’anic verse contains more than one brief statement about observable phenomena and our most advanced knowledge of these phenomena has helped us to understand and believe in the Qur’an’s statements more than ever before.
One of the most exciting areas of discovery in this regard pertains to the growth and development of the embryo.
Prior to the invention of the microscope people could only theorize about the early stages of growth, and many of their theories would be laughable if suggested today.
The microscope came a millennium after the Qur’an already made accurate statements about the early stages of growth.
We must, therefore, ask how was this knowledge available at the time of the Qur’an’s composition in 7thCentury Arabia unless via divine revelation.
Several scientists in the field have testified to the accuracy of the Qur’an’s statements which they find to be far advanced for the time when they were made.
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