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Missed the Eclipse? We’ve Got These Photos for You

People in three continents gathered Tuesday to watch one of the most stunning astronomical events possible: A solar eclipse. 

Missed the Eclipse? We've Got These Photos for You - About Islam
Missed the Eclipse? We've Got These Photos for You - About Islam
Missed the Eclipse? We've Got These Photos for You - About Islam
Missed the Eclipse? We've Got These Photos for You - About Islam
Missed the Eclipse? We've Got These Photos for You - About Islam
Missed the Eclipse? We've Got These Photos for You - About Islam
Missed the Eclipse? We've Got These Photos for You - About Islam
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The partial solar eclipse was visible from much of Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East and western Asia, Timeanddate says. This is the second solar eclipse of the year, neither of which were visible from the U.S. 

📚 Read Also: Muslims to Host Special Prayers During Solar Eclipse

Solar eclipse is the partial or total cutting off of the sun’s light when the moon comes between it and the earth.

In the holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty says: “The sun and the moon follow courses exactly computed.” (Qur’an 55:05).

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📚 Read Also:  Solar Eclipse in the Time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)