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When to Celebrate Jumada-al-Oola 1438 in Your Country?

Check when will be the fifth Hirji month of Jumada-al-Oola 1438 in your residence. The Hijri Calendar is a lunar one, meaning that months begin when the first crescent of a new moon is sighted.

And since this type of calendars is 11 to 12 days shorter than the solar year, Jumada-al-Oola and all Hijri months migrate throughout the seasons.

The Astronomical New Moon (conjunction) is on Saturday, January 28, 2017 at 0:06 UTC. On that day, the moon can be seen with difficulty in parts of the Americas.

When to Celebrate Jumada-al-Oola 1438 in Your Country? - About Islam

On Sunday, January 29, 2017, the new crescent can be seen in the whole world except New Zealand.

When to Celebrate Jumada-al-Oola 1438 in Your Country? - About Islam

This means that Jumada-al-Oola is expected to start on Sunday the 29th of January.

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When to Celebrate Jumada-al-Oola 1438 in Your Country? - About Islam