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Toronto Muslims Form ‘Rings of Peace’ Around Synagogues

TORONTO – Toronto Muslims formed rings of peace around local synagogues on Friday, and Saturday, November 2-3, as a show of solidarity with the Jewish community following the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh.

“It is our faith that keeps us together,” said Osman Khan, a leader at the Imdadul Islamic Centre whose members came out along with members from the International Muslim Organization (IMO), TARIC Islamic Centre and the Fairlawn United Church to surround the Holy Blossom Temple and Beth Tzedec Congregation.

“When one person is hurt in our community, through our moral and religious obligation, we are supposed to help.”

“It gave consolation to us in that difficult time, and now we are doing the same,” added Khan.

“Not because we feel we have to reciprocate, but because we feel a need to be with our brothers and sisters to ease the pain that they feel because we share that pain.”

The devastating attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh sent shock waves through the Jewish community and faith communities came out in the hundreds to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Jewish community at seven synagogues across the Toronto Area, just as they stood alongside Muslims after the Quebec mosque shooting nearly two years ago.

On Friday evening, Embrace Islamic Society surrounded Temple Emanuel in North York.

“Killing people, specifically while they are praying, not only kills innocent people,” said Fehmi Kala of Embrace Islamic Society. “It also kills our hope of future to live in peace and harmony in multi-faith and multicultural society.”

On Friday, imams across the country offered condolences to the families of the victims and prayers for those lost in the horrendous shooting.

“We, as Muslims, hold life as sacred and places of worship as sacred,” said Dr. Wael Shihab, Imam of Masjid Toronto, in his sermon.

“We offer our condolences to the families and friends of the victims who lost their lives. We pray for the full and quick recovery of all the injured.”

“We stand in solidarity with the Jewish community who are grieving from this horrendous anti-Semitic attack. We condemn all acts of violence and words that lead to hatred. And we condemn antisemitism, Islamophobia, racism, and all bigoted views and beliefs that try to divide us.”