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COVID-19 in Ramadan: Texas Muslim Nurse, Pharmacist Share Perspectives

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Houston healthcare workers Gul Khan and Uzma Khan โ€“ who are not related โ€“ have worked through a myriad of emotions surrounding the crisis.

In separate interviews with AboutIslam, both women talked about the toll the situation took when they first became aware of it.

๐Ÿ“š Read Also: Ramadan in Quarantineโ€ฆ 7 Tips to Make It โ€˜Quran Timeโ€™

They describe initial bouts with stress, anxiety and fear over their safety and that of their families. However, as some time has now passed, theyโ€™ve adapted to their new normal working environment. They have also used Ramadan as a time to put off that negative energy and direct it into their spiritual renewal.

Gul, for one, said the entire situation has given her perspective.

โ€œ(Nursing) is my calling, so if Allah decides to take me while Iโ€™m doing my job, then this is going to be the best thing that I can do for people and to earn Jannah for myself,โ€ she said.

However, she admits her feelings were a bit different only a few months ago and the stress was impacting her health.

โ€œIt was definitely a concern about infecting myself and my family, and I wasnโ€™t sleeping, and the stress is so bad for you,โ€ she said.

โ€œNow I avoid the news. I donโ€™t want to know whatโ€™s happening in New York City or in Italy because I canโ€™t control that. I donโ€™t want to bring any negative news into my environment, I just want to help my patients, so I take my precautions, and I leave the rest to Allah.โ€

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