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Stockholm Mosque Defaced by Anti-Muslim Graffiti

STOCKHOLM โ€“ Swedish Muslims were shocked after discovering neo-Nazi and anti-Muslim slogans on the walls of a Stockholm mosque on Saturday, November 26.

โ€œThis is not something one would expectโ€ฆ Itโ€™s hard to understand what is going on in society, both internationally and in our own country,โ€ Mustafa Tumturk, a representative of Stockholmโ€™s Muslim community and one of the founders of the mosque in 1985, told Swedish News Agency TT, Agence France Press (AFP) reported.

โ€œI donโ€™t recognize Sweden anymore.โ€

The attack occurred after morning prayer on Saturday as unidentified attackers burst into the building, spraypainting swastikas and hate speech on the walls and throwing firecrackers, police said.

A loud bang was also reported before 8 a.m. local time (0700GMT) from an adjacent gym during morning prayers. Firework residue was found at the building but no injuries were reported.

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All of the worshippers had left the mosque at the time of the attack except one, and he was shaken but unharmed.

Police said they were investigating the incident as vandalism and a hate crime.

Police spokesperson Sven-Erik Olsson told Anadolu Agency there were no suspects yet.

โ€œWeโ€™ve been to the mosque to take photos and weโ€™ve reported this as a case of destruction of property and incitement to hatred,โ€ he added.

โ€œIt [the mosque] is located on the second floor and someone had scribbled swastikas and โ€˜kill Muslimsโ€™ on all three walls at the entrance,โ€ Olsson said.

In October police suspected arson was behind a fire which damaged a Muslim prayer room in Malmo, southern Sweden.

An investigation by the Islamic Cooperation Council in Sweden last year revealed seven out of 10 mosques in the country had been attacked.

Radio Sweden put together a list in 2014 describing 13 incidents of mosque attacks across the nation that year.

Muslims make up some 200,000 of Swedenโ€™s nine million people, according to semi-official estimates.