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Oxford Muslim Network Hosts AI Event

  • The event aims to educate students on AI and tackle tough questions surrounding AI research.
  • The event will include speakers from Google Deepmind, Imperial College London and X-Chem.
  • The speakers will discuss how AI research is changing the world and what Islam can bring to the table.

Educating students on artificial intelligence, a group of Muslim researchers will share their insight on the topic with Oxford students next Saturday in an event at St John’s College.

Organized by the Muslims Researchers’ Network, the event is co-hosted by the Oxford University Islamic Society. It will include guests from the likes of Google Deepmind, Imperial College London and X-Chem.

📚 Read Also: TIME’S Inaugural 100 AI Influentials: Four Muslims Featured on the List

“The AI revolution has been likened to the industrial revolution in its scale and impact on human life,” Network chairman Mohamady El-Gaby commented, Herald Series reported.

“Speakers working at the forefront of AI research will tackle the tough question surrounding AI head-on, including how AI research is changing the world and what Islam can bring to the table.”

Oxford Muslim Network Hosts AI Event - About Islam

Speakers include Noor Shaker, an inventor and entrepreneur who has been named a top leader in AI healthcare by Forbes, and Junaid Mubeen, author of ‘Mathematical Intelligence: What we have that machines don’t’ (who is also a Countdown octochamp).

Other speakers are Islem Rekik, Ali Eslami, and Mohsan Alvi, who have interests in the brain, virtual reality, and computer vision, respectively.

Although the concept of AI has been around since the 19th century, it only became feasible to achieve in recent decades.

Last month, four Muslim pioneers and thinkers made it to Time magazine’s inaugural TIME100 AI List, highlighting the 100 most influential people in artificial intelligence (AI).