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Muslim Scholars Delink Islam, Terrorism

HYDERABAD – Muslim scholars attending an international seminar in India’s Hyderabad on the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) have delinked Islam from terrorism, accusing the government of dividing Muslims.

“Islam is the religion of peace, fraternity, tolerance, mutual respect and patriotism,” observed a number of speakers at the inauguration of the three-day conference on ‘The Life and Ways of Prophet Muhammad’, Press Trust of India (PTI) reported on Sunday, February 21.

The seminar was attended by several scholars including, Asaduddin Owaisi, the chief of the All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul Muslimeen (AIMIM or All India Council of the Union of Muslims).

During his speech, Owaisi alleged that “the government is dividing Muslims into different sects and trying to prove that a certain group is favoring terrorism and a certain group is opposing.

“Government knows that Islam has no connection with terrorism whether it is ISIS or any terror organization. Islam and Muslims have no relation with terrorism,” he said.

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On the other hand, Maulana Mehmood Madani, the general secretary of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind, said, “Islam and Muslims cannot have links with terrorist organization.”

Madani claimed that a conspiracy was hatched to malign Islam.

“We are holding campaigns against this conspiracy,” Madani added. Madani called upon Muslims “to co-exist cordially and in peace with other religions and do not refrain (yourselves) from expressing love for nation whenever possible”.

Telangana Deputy Chief Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali stressed on the need for educating youths to enable them to move forward.

He urged Muslim scholars to guide the youth to excel in different walks of life, such as engineering, medicine, science and technology, and other areas.

Ali also urged Muslim countries to spend their wealth on educational and welfare activities instead of using it for warfare, weaponry and destructive purposes.