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Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr Related Fiqhi Issues (Live Fatwa Session)

Dear Brothers/Sisters,

Thank you very much for joining us in this Live Fatwa session. We would like also to thank our guest, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, for answering the questions directed to him. You will find the answers of your questions below.

Sunday, May. 17, 2020 | 13:00 - 15:00 GMT

Session is over.
Views expressed by hosts/guests on this program (live dialogue, Facebook sessions, etc.) are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent.  



Can I I purified clothes that has najasa in the same water in the same buicket? Islam teaches on how to purify more than one cloth, like is it permissible to put it in the same buicket same water.


Once all of the visible traces of filth have been removed from the clothes, then there is no harm in washing them together in the same bucket. Water will purify the non-visible Najasah. There is no need to be rigid over this issue. Islam warns us against rigidity in such matters.

Allah Almighty knows best.

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Assalam aalekum it is Hadith in  Jami At-Tirmidhi(415) and sahi muslim(728)that whoever pray 12 rakah  of sunnah prayer  Allah will built for him house in paradise . so  my question is if I pray this twelve rakah  daily daily one house will be built for me in paradise.


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

The hadith you are referring to is authentic. It has been reported by the Prophet’s wife, Umm Habeebah, who said, “There is no one who performs 12 voluntary Rak’ ahs of prayer (on top of the five daily prayers) without Allah building for him or her a mansion in paradise. And she added: after hearing this from the Prophet (peace be upon him), I have never skipped this habit. (Muslim reported it).

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So I would urge you to keep this habit and believe in the words of the Messenger of Allah, you can expect your dream to be materialized.

Almighty Allah knows best.



Assalam aalekum there is Hadith in musnad ahmad(27450) and  sunan nasai Al kubra(10680)  from  umme Hani (may Allah be pleased with her)that whoever recites subhanallah 100 times is equivalent to freeing 100 salves from the children of ismail.reciting Alhamdullillah 100 times  is equivalent to giving 100 horses in jihad .please tell me whether the Hadith is authentic or not .how many scholars have classified the Hadith authentic. 


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

The hadith mentioned above is not a well-attested one; it is dubious or doubtful because of its weak chains.

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There is no need for us to base our religious practice on such weak or questionable traditions. We have sufficiency in the authentic sources.

Allah Almighty knows best.



Asalaamu alaekium from Waynesville NC,

I am suffering greatly from insomnia this Ramadan, which has made fasting & functioning properly throughout the day very difficult. I know The Koran says that I may feed a poor/needy/hungry person if fasting is too difficult for me, but does a condition like this (insomnia) count? I am sleeping 1.5 – 3 hours per night. The fasting part is rather easy, alhamdulilah, but breaking my fast at 830pm has kept me awake until around 1-2am & I have to wake up at 330am in order to take medicine & cannot begin suhoor until 1 hour later (so medicine works).

It is difficult this year.

JazakAllah khairun for your help,

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Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

You should consult your physician. If he or she advises that because of the specific challenge, he advises you against fasting, especially when the hours of fasting are long, you can skip it, but you should make up for them when the day hours are short.

If it makes no difference, and your condition is permanent, you may give Fidya or compensation. It entails feeding a poor person for every single day of the fast you have missed.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



Assalamu Alykum,

Some Muslims fast during Ramadan, but they don’t  pray their 5 daily prayers. Is their fasting valid?



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Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

There is no doubt that Prayer in Islam is the first and foremost of the five pillars, second only to the testimony of the Oneness of Allah. It is also the hallmark of a believer and the only sure guarantee of paradise.

So, a person who is neglecting Prayer is guilty of a significant breach of faith.

Having said this, we cannot say that his fast is not valid. The fact that he commits a major enormity does not mean that his other good deeds are not valid. We need to leave the judgment to Allah. We should pray and hope that if he were to fast in the proper spirit,  he would start establishing Prayer as well.

The best way to deal with such people is to make them understand Prayer’s fundamental nature in Islam and thus persuade them to change.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



I have the following two questions:

1- i heard a shaikh say that hazrat khalid bin waleed r.a used to eat ajwa dates in the morning and then drink poison as it is mentioned in the hadith on a daily basis and this is written in his biography. Can you please verify?

2- i read an article about the hadith regarding the seven ajwa dates and poison and the person argued that the word “summ” used in the hadith can be translated to “toxins” and it has been scientifically proven that ajwa dates do remove body toxins like cholesterol. Can this be another beliveable interpretation or not?


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The report about Khalid b. Walid involving poison in the sources is the following: While the Muslim army was fighting the enemy betook themselves to a fortress, refusing to surrender for days. Finally, they send someone to Khalid, challenging him to surrender if he were to drink poison and remain safe. Khalid took up the challenge and drank it, and nothing happened to him. In explaining the story, Imam Ibn Taymiyyah says: it was a miracle or grace (Karamah) he performed to demonstrate the truth of Islam. 

He did so out of his deep faith and conviction as an act of self-surrender, believing that Allah would help His cause through this act. Perhaps he may also have a pledge from the Prophet (peace be upon him) to that effect.

In other words, miracles or Karaamat cannot be used as general rules for people to do the same. Khalid did so to demonstrate the truth of Islam, and he was a man who believed that Allah would not disappoint him as he had no other ulterior motive.

2-  As for the hadith about the benefits of Ajwa dates, here are the reports: “Whoever eats seven Ajwa dates the first thing in the morning, he will be guarded against the effects of poison or magic for that day.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim), while Muslim adds another qualification to the same: “Whoever eats seven Ajwa dates grown in Madinah (literally grown in the land between the two lava mountains), he will be guarded against the effect of poison and magic.” 

So as some scholars have pointed out, the rule cannot be applied generally. It is specific to the dates of Madinah. It shows there is something unique about Madinah’s soil. Thanks to the quality of the earth, Ajwa dates unique and has enhanced the potential to fight the effects of poison.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



Assalaamu Alyikum Worahmatullahi Wobarakatuhu.
I ask my self this question evertime. Scientists say that dancing is good for our health. But, I thought it may be haram to dance. So, Is dancing harama?
Thank you!
Assalamu Alayikum.


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

There is nothing wrong if you dance alone or with members of your sex. The Prophet (peace be upon him) allowed the Abyssinians who visited his mosque to dance in the mosque.

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Dance with the members of the opposite sex is forbidden because of the simple reason it may arouse lustful thoughts.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



Assalamu alaikum,

I am confused about whether a woman can read Qur’an during her menses or not. If not in Arabic, can she read English or other translations. Also, if she has memorized it, and if she can’t read for 7-10 days during this time, what can she do to retain it without forgetting.

Thank you.


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

On this I would advise you to refer to the answer linked below:

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Can a Menstruating Woman Read the Qur’an?

Almighty Allah Knows best.




I need to seek your valuable advice on a certain issue.I am 42 years old and a patient of IBS.My weight is 45 kg and my HB level is always below 10.As soon as I start fasting in the blessed month of Ramazan, my condition becomes worse. I have to take injections of Nerobian to continue fasting. This year even the injections are not working. The question is, can I skip fasting and pay Fidya?

ALLAH knows that it will be very heartbreaking for me.

Looking forward for an early response.

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Thanking you in anticipation.


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

If your experience shows that your condition is worsened because of fasting, then you are allowed to skip the fast and offer Fidyah. However, I would ask you to check with your physician to ensure that you are not merely basing it on your subjective opinion.

If you are not able to fast because of your medical challenges, you should still be able to seek Ramadan’s blessings by engaging in all other extra prayers and devotions that you can perform so that you make up for the benefits you would be missing otherwise.

Allah is Merciful, and He will compensate what you miss because of your condition as long as you do what you can do. Allah says, “Be mindful of Allah as best as you can.”

Almighty Allah Knows best.



What is Ayatul Hark? I once found Ayatul Hark Ruqiya link on YouTube. I listened to it for curiosity and I didnt finish. Is it safe to listen this just for curiosity? and Is it safe if I stop it without finishing? Because anyone can click the link without any intention. Feeling nervous about it.


The practice you are referring above seems to be an innovation. Your best protection is to practice the daily Wird or spiritual regimen which consists of readings from the Quran and the prescribed Prophetic supplications: Let me list it briefly here:

I give below some selections of verses of the Qur’an and dua’s which you can recite regularly:
1) Al-Fatihah
2) Last three chapters of the Qur’an (i.e. Q. 112, 113, 114)
3) Ayat al-kursi (i.e. Q.2: 255)

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Besides the above, repeat the following Du’as on a regular basis both in the morning and evening three times or more:
1) bismillaahi alladhee laa yadhurru ma’ ismihi sha’un fi al-ardhi wa laa fi al-ssamaa’i wa huwa al-ssamee’u al-a’aleem
(In the name of Allah; with His name, nothing whatsoever on earth or heaven can inflict any harm; He is all-Hearing and all-Knowing).

2) hasbiya Allaahu laa ilaaha illaa huwa alayhi tawakkaltu wahuwa rabbu al-‘arshi al-azeem
(Allah suffices me; there is no god but He; in Him I place my sole trust; He is the Lord of the mighty Throne.)

3) Allaahumma inee a’duhu bika min hamazaati al-shayaateen wa a’oodhu bika rabbi an yahduroon
(O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the whisperings of Satan; my Lord, I seek refuge in You from their presence around me.).

4) A’oodhu bi ‘izzati Allaahi wa qudratihi mimma ajidu wa uhaadhiru
(I seek refuge in Allah’s glory and power from the affliction and pain I experience and suffer from).

It is important to remember that Du’a and Dhikr will only benefit when it comes from a heart that firmly believes in Allah, and thus cherishes firm conviction in Allah’s power and sovereignty.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



Assalamu alaikum….. While praying nawafil after zuhr I felt a drop of something in my private though I’m sure something dropped but I don’t know if it is urine or not because I did not feel it passing since my underwear was wet so I concluded it is water from my wet underwear. Before asr I rinsed my underwear and the trouser I wore which is in immediate contact with my underwear but I did not clean the gown and hijab I wore I also did not clean the mat which I use to pray although I sat down to recite the Quran after my solah with the same clothe which I think is impur. I prayed asr with the same clothe and mat but during the solah I did not feel any drop despite that my underwear was wet as it was during zuhr so this Made me think whether it was indeed urine that came out during zuhr.

If it was indeed urine but I made myself believe it wasn’t are all my solah in the clothe and the mat invalid?

If another person use the mat and I didn’t inform them about the impurity is their solah invalid? Will their sin of praying with impurity be on me?

If urine did get on my wet underwear is it enough for me to just clean the underwear or do I have to clean my clothe and the mat too if I did sit on the mat after solah with the same clothe?

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If I doubt about something and ignore it but it did happen will I be punished by Allah?

If what came out was indeed urine but ignored it is my solah invalid?

If the urine did get in contact with the prayer mat are all my solah and those of other people on the same prayer mat invalid too?

If I know that a place is impure but did not inform other people about the impurity and they prayed on the impure mat will I be punished?

I’m sorry for the long questions but I will really appreciate it to be answered specifically as this matter is giving me great difficulty and making me look forward to when I will be menstrating so I will not pray which is not good  


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

You seem to be suffering from Waswas or nagging doubts. You need to shake this habit by seeking refuge and protection with Allah. It is Satan’s way of distracting you from prayer.

For details, let me cite one of my earlier answers:

The answer to your question may vary according to one of the two scenarios described below:
“If you are suffering from incontinence, or bladder control problems, then you should do the following:

You should make sure to wash yourself and perform your ablution close to the time of the Salah you intend to perform. After having done so, if, during the course of your Salah, you were to experience any wetness, drops, etc., you need not worry about it; it shall be considered as “excused” in your case. Allah clearly tells us
“He has not appointed any hardship for you in your religion.” (Q. 22:78) But we must, once again, stress that in this case, one must only perform the necessary purification and Wudhu as close to the Salah as possible.

Regarding the second scenario:
If you do not suffer from incontinence or bladder problems, then you must ask yourself whether you are certain that you have started your Salah after having clearly established the necessary purification and Wudu or not. If you are definitely certain that you have done so, then you don’t need to pay attention to such intrusive thoughts or doubts that assail your mind unless you see some tangible signs indicating otherwise. Such tangible signs include wetness, foul smell or sound of passing winds or fart, etc. If you were to experience any of these tangible signs, you must break your Salah and resume it only after having performed the requisite procedure of purification and Wudhu,

If, on the other hand, you did not experience any such tangible signs indicated above, then you don’t need to pay any attention to such doubts. This is in accordance with the principle of Fiqh that “Certainty cannot be undermined by mere doubt or hesitation”. Therefore, you should continue your Salah until such time that you see clear signs to the contrary.

In this case indicated above, it is important for us to know that such nagging doubts are due to the whisperings of Satan as the Prophet (peace be upon him) told us that Satan will approach us in our Salah, trying to distract us from it. In doing so, he will definitely play different cards with different people. If, in your case, he is to trying to cast doubts in your mind regarding your purification, in the case of another, it may be by suggesting some other thoughts, and, hence, the remedy for it is simply turning to Allah for protection and invoking His help against the accursed one.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



Assalamu alaikum… If a child urinated on her clothe and slept on the floor with the wet clothe. After drying is the floor still impure? My family have been stepping allover the place and other places too after stepping on the place is the impurity transferred all along? Although I try to avoid stepping on it but if at some point I stepped on the floor after wudoo with wet wet feet and eventually the prayer mat and pray. Is the prayer mat considered impure? If the prayer mat is impure are the subsequent solah on the prayer mat invalid?

Do I have to repray all this solah if the prayer mat is impure


1. If your body or clothes or spots you pray or live has drops or traces of any najasah such as urine, feces, etc., on them, then it is sufficient for you to wash it thoroughly with water; however, using some kind of soap or detergent with water is considered even better, if you can afford it, for Islam teaches us to do what we do as best as we can; washing with soap/detergent is definitely cleaner. The same applies to washing sperm or pre-sperm fluids. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “when Allah provides better means for you, conduct yourself appropriately.”

2. If there is urine or feces or any kind of najasah (impurity) on the carpet you must wash it; if you walked with wet feet on the same spot then your feet has contracted najasah, and your prayer is not valid unless you remove the same. If you had prayed without removing the najasah, then your prayer is rendered null and void, and you must repeat your salah, unless you are sure you have removed it or it got itself cleaned by walking on clean sand/earth, etc. Clean sand or earth can be considered as a purifier, but it is still considered preferable to wash your feet when in doubt. Islam orders us to do things as efficiently and properly as possible.

We must never be slack or relaxed about the rules of najasah. For the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “Salah is the key to paradise; the key to salah is purification.” Purification is considered an essential pre-requisite or essential integral of salah, without which it is not considered as valid.

3. If you are sure that you have walked with your feet, which had traces of urine or any kind of najasah, on the carpets of the mosque, then it is considered your Islamic duty to make sure that they are cleaned. Likewise, your family members who have done the same must also bear responsibility for cleaning them. We are accountable for our actions. Those prayers that you have performed with najasah on your feet must be repeated.

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If the child has urinated on the cloth, then it is impure. And you ought to wash it.

However, if people stepped on it by accident and then they have walked on another dry surface, then they need not worry as it should be like someone walking on filth on the road with his shoes, and then walking on the dry path later; the latter should help clean it.

It is always good in case of doubt to clean the body parts or clothes that have come in contact with the impurities.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



Asalamualikum, I have a question. I don’t know if you are aware of Snapchat, if not, please check up online to have an understanding about my question. My main question is that, is it permissible to use snapchat face filters, there are different ones, like dog filters, filters that enhance ones beauty, etc…

Jazakallah khayran.


Here is what I found about it during my search:

“Snapchat may provide the perfect medium for maintaining relationships with close friends, without the pressure to present one self in extraordinary form, say scientists who delved into why people use the addictive social platform which allows short, quick posts. Due to its brevity, Snapchat could be the best form of communication in a world where people struggle with a seemingly diminishing attention span.”

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“People use Snapchat a lot because of its entertainment and functional needs,” said J J Delacruz, graduate student at Texas Tech University in the US. “For certain people, it enables them to overcome communication apprehension by using a different means of communication where they don’t have a threat in their face. At the same time, there are people who are addicted to it,” said Delacruz.”

If this is the function of Snapchat and you do not intend to cheat or misrepresent yourself or anyone, then like any other innocent medium, it is not objectionable.

If, on the other hand, you were to use it to disguise your identity or cheat and deceive people, then it would be haram or forbidden.

I pray to Allah to save us all from sins and to help us remain steadfast.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



I’m in Latvia. Which is near to Russia, Estonia and Lithuania in Eastern Europe.

I have a query.

There’s no perfect Salaah Time Table in Latvia where I’m located.

‪So do we have to look for the Salaah Calculation Jurisdiction in (Mobile App) in nearby (900km) country Russia (Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia Centre) which is available

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or we can even calculate the same by way of France (Organisation Islamiques de France) which is 2300km from Latvia.


You may follow the prayer time table published by the Islamicfinder; here is the schedule they have published:

Prayer Times in Latvia

Almighty Allah Knows best.



I have a youtube channel and I feel like I Committed shirk in it where I fear I made a prediction. Also I in my channel I play video games some involve shirk in it like giving life I do not belive that and when I am recording it I trim any part that I feel certain its shirk out but I fear that people may be inspired to play the game by watching my vids and believe in the shirk in it. What is the punishment in this, I do not want to delete the channel as it helps me with my depression. What should I do should I delete the channel, assume shaytan is tying to make me fear this, And what is the punishment hell forever for affecting any people with shirk or a punishment but not hell.


In answering your question, I cannot do any better than citing here one of my earlier answers:

“Allah forgives all sins except the sin of shirk; Allah says in the Qur’an, “Surely Allah will not forgive those who assign partners to Him. He forgives all but that to whom He pleases. Whosoever ascribes partners to Allah is guilty of a monstrous sin.” (Qur’an: 4: 48).

In the case of shirk, the only option for those who are guilty of it is to enter Islam anew by making the shahadah (testimony of faith) again; whereas in case of other sins, both major and minor, repentance is promised by Allah if we turn to Him in sincere repentance.

Therefore, if you have been guilty of blasphemy you must renew your shahadah and repent to Allah sincerely and beseech His mercy. Allah says,’
“Say: “O My servants who have wronged against their own souls! Do not despair of Allah’s mercy! For Allah forgives all sins; for He is indeed Forgiving, Compassionate. Turn to your Lord repentant, and submit to Him, before the torment overtakes you when you shall not be helped.” (Qur’an: 39: 53-54).

In this verse calls all His servants to repentance; since reckoning is imminent they are not to delay repentance.

Repentance, it must be emphasized, is not merely expressing remorse; it involves much more than that: it involves complete abstention from similar activities in the present and the future, and feeling true spirit of contrition for one’s sins, and finally resolving never to do the same, moreover, one must follow it up by doing as much good deeds as possible. Such good works include: consistency in istighfaar (invoking Allah’s forgiveness), establishing remembrance of Allah, offering charities, and engaging in good works; in the case of the sin of blasphemy just as one has blasphemed in the past, one should also do the opposite; such as glorifying Allah; extolling the excellences of Islam, etc.
Allah says, “Verily, good deeds wipe out bad deeds.”(Qur’an: 11: 114).

May Allah grant us sincere repentance, and may He grant us such fear of Him which would stand as an obstacle between us and sins, and such obedience of Him which would take us to paradise, and such certainly of conviction which would lighten for us all of the afflictions/calamities/tragedies of this world.”

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Almighty Allah Knows best.



Salaamalaikum. My question is about Haq maher. My ex wife falsely accused me of hitting her. She called the police and tried to stop my livelihood claiming falsely I stole from her and got me arrested twice. She on the other hand kept stealing from me I later found out. The police separated us and then we were told 4 months later post investigation that they were not going to charge me. The case was dropped and I was told by police not to contact her again. I divorced her in absentia and we went separate ways. I do not know where she is now. I have been instructed by police not to contact her again. Our marriage was Islamic marriage in a mosque so I did not have to go through court. My question is what happens to Haq maher in this instance. Thanks.?


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

If what you allege your wife is true, then you need not worry about paying her Mahr as she is the one who is responsible for the divorce. If, however, your behavior has caused the rift between you and her, then you ought to pay her Mahr; if you have not paid it.

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Mahr is the right of a woman; Allah’s explicit order mandates it; as such, you ought to pay it; if you did not pay before, you must pay it at the time of divorce.

The only exception to this is when the divorce is initiated by the wife; or caused by the wife without any fault on the part of her husband.

Having said this, I must also point out: If your behavior has made her take such a hostile attitude, then as a conscientious Muslim, you should pay the Mahr at the time of divorce.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



I sometimes get tonsil stones (these white-ish pieces that can come up the throat. While fasting, I’m not sure if this tonsil stone didn’t come up the throat, or came up the throat half way but not fully, or if it fully came up. Nonetheless when I was swallowing my saliva, I don’t believe I had any indication beforehand that there was a piece of something there (if I can remember correctly – I sometimes doubt when I have to recollect something), and then once I swallowed my saliva and that piece went back down is when I felt it. I spit out any remaining piece and rinsed my mouth. Is my fast valid?


If you were able to spit it down and yet did not do so and deliberately swallowed it, then your fast is broken, and you need to make it up.

If you could not spit out having tried to do so, then you need not worry as your fast is still valid.

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Almighty Allah Knows best.



Assalmu alaikum

Last night I made the intention to keep my fast as I had thought I had finished my period. Because I had work In the morning my plan was to keep the fast and do my ghusl when I finished. When I woke up in the morning I did have a clear discharge, so I kept the fast. However when I arrived at work, I had brown discharge a few times when going to the toilet. I asked for some advise and was told my fast was not valid so I ate. However I did some research and it seems my fast could have been valid? Please can you advise me if it was valid or not. I find it all very confusing as different people say different things. If my fast was not valid, can I just make it up or is there anything else I need to do?

Hope to hear from you soon

Thank you

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Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

Your fast is not invalidated if you see brownish discharge after you had seen the white discharge. For details, let me cite here one of my earlier answers:

“You are free of menses only when your bleeding has completely stopped, and you see the white discharge, following your regular pattern. However, after you have seen the white discharge, if you experience pinkish or brownish discharges afterwards, you need not worry. Umm Atiyyah, the Prophet’s companion, said, ” During the Prophet’s time, we never used to pay attention to the pinkish or brownish discharges that followed the expiry of menses.”  (Reported by Imam Bukhari and others).

All the above, however, is conditional on the fact that your menses period did not exceed fifteen days. For bleeding after fifteen days cannot be reckoned as menses; rather it is reckoned as istihadhah (abnormal bleeding). In the case of istihadhah, you need to pray after having taken a full bath at the end of your period; then you wash your private and make wudhu before each prayer. Washing and wudhu should only be done immediately prior to each salah.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



“Is it considered Zina if my boyfriend and I masturbated on video call before I started wearing hijab?”


Yes. It is considered a form of  Zina. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Eyes commit fornication; fornication of eyes is lustfully staring; mind fornicates; fornication of the mind is lustful thoughts; the private consummates it (by taking it to the next level).” So, you have fornicated by masturbating on video chat. You ought to seek repentance and ask forgiveness of Allah.

On the method of repentance, you may refer to the answer linked below:

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The Door of Repentance Is Wide Open

Almighty Allah Knows best.




I am 26 years female.

Since last 2 3 years I am having irregular periods issues like I get periods in less than 15 days or sometimes twice or thrice in a month.  Last year I got treatment for this, for time being till the medicines were going on it was all fine then I stopped taking medicine as it was alopathy and I have heard that it is not good for our health to take supplements like this.  Now here comes the problem when I stopped taking those medicines again after two three months I started with the same problem. I got three times periods in this month.  Now the ramzan month is going on and I’m having brown spots and brown small clots again and I have forgotten my exact date of my periods due to all these recurrence of my periods. So what should I do now should I continue to fast. Please help me with this.

P. S: It has been 3 days since I’m fasting and praying as I’m not sure if I’m having actual periods or not and I don’t want to take risk to miss any fast in this holy month.  Also in this month when I got periods 3 times on a span of 7-10 days as far I remember I was not bleeding it was just spotting and small brown  blood clots not red.

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In answering your question, let me cite here one of my earlier answers:

You are free of menses only when your bleeding has completely stopped, and you see the white discharge, following your regular pattern. However, after you have seen the white discharge, if you experience pinkish or brownish discharges afterwards, you need not worry. Umm Atiyyah, the Prophet’s companion, said, ” During the Prophet’s time, we never used to pay attention to the pinkish or brownish discharges that followed the expiry of menses.”  (Reported by Imam Bukhari and others).

All the above, however, is conditional on the fact that your menses period did not exceed fifteen days. For bleeding after fifteen days cannot be reckoned as menses; rather it is reckoned as istihadhah (abnormal bleeding). In the case of istihadhah, you need to pray after having taken a full bath at the end of your period; then you wash your private and make wudhu before each prayer. Washing and wudhu should only be done immediately prior to each salah.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



Salaam ou alaikoem,

Today in the morning i was in a half sleeping half awaken state of mind. During this, i had a wet dream and ejaculated. No menstruation (atmost i was laying on my belly which is bad on itself). My question is, as i was half asleep half awake does my fasting still count? I made ghusl afterwards but what are the consecuences?


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

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Your fast is not invalidated by the wet dream you experienced during sleep. It was not self-induced; as such, it does not affect the validity of the fast.

You need not make up the fast; however, if you did break it afterward, you ought to make it up.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



My family follow the Hanafi Madhab which automatically means I have to follow the same madhab, however I want to follow the  Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed(saw) the Quran and solely, if not in conjunction. This therefore causes a lot of disputes between me and my parents. Along with the innovations that they follow, I find it extremely hard to implement the teachings of the Sunnah into my life since they hold extremely strong opinions within the topics of Islam and if I say otherwise they will be extremely offended. I have been trying to perfect my Salah and adjusting according it to the Sunnah and as you may know some of the additions to Salah is contradicted in the Hanafi school. I am aware of the differences in prayer between men and women but when it comes to how the prophet(pbuh) prayed I am confused on whether this applies to women.

Down below I have listed the extra sunnah’s that the prophet(saw) did and that I carry out in my Salah, If you can clarify if women are allowed to do the sunnah acts since both my parents and the Hanafi madhab tell me otherwise, I will be beyond appreciative:

1. Rising hands before saying Takbeer and going into ruku

2. Rising hands again when raising up ruku

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3. Pausing/sitting for a short time before rising from sujood and saying Takbeer

4. Sitting for Tashahud – pointing the finger and vibrating it up and down until saying salam

I am a sister, 19 years. I do want to involve myself in Bid’ah and want to do everything the right way. I feel undeniably overwhelmed when it comes to not only prayer but other matters when there is a clash of opinions. Since my dad is a Sheykh himself, I am frightened to ask him of anything I know there will be a difference of opinion in hence my inquiry today. May Allah forgive me If I have been mistaken but my family always make me seem as if I am in the wrong and it worries me when trying to please Allah (swt) that my Ibadah is not good enough.


The differences among schools of jurisprudence on these matters are inconsequential; they do not affect the validity of the Prayer or acts of worship. All of the schools of jurisprudence agree on the basic format, which is transmitted through the well-attested traditions and passed on via reliable channels of transmission. As for the details you mentioned, they are not made by the imams; they are also passed on by the companions.

In other words, Imam Abu Hanifah, to whom the Hanafi Madhab is traced back, did not make up the format of Prayer you are referring it. He passed on what he learned through the chains of transmission going back to the Prophet (peace be upon him) through his companions.

You can understand his source for not rising hands except during the opening takbir from the following dialogue between Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Awzai. Awza’i was of the view that hands should be raised while going to Ruku’; also while raising from Ruku’.

During a meeting of these Imams in residence in Makah, Awzai asked Abu Hanifah: How come you people do not raise your hands while going to Ruku’ and while rising from Ruku’? Abu Hanifah replied, “There is no authentic report from the Prophet (peace be upon him) to insist on doing so.” Awza’i said, “How come when we have the report from Zuhri from Salim from Ibn Umar that the Prophet used to raise his hands at the opening takbir and while going to Ruku’ and upon rising. Abu Hanifah told him that he has the report form, Hammad, from Ibrahim from Alqamah from Ibn Mas’ud that the Prophet raised his hands only at the time of opening takbir. And he said Hammad, Ibrahim and Alqaah were more discerning in fiqh than Zuhri or Salim, and  Ibn Mas’ud is of higher eminence than Ibn Umar. On hearing this, Awzai remained silent as he could not refute his strong argument.

As for vibrating the finger, it based on an isolated report; it is only an addition in one of the narrations from Wael b. Hujr; others have not mentioned the addition; they have only said, “He raised his finger.” It thus agrees with reports from other companions; many of them prayed for many years behind the Prophet, yet they never mentioned that he was moving his finger!

That is why the majority of scholars of the four schools and others are of the view that moving the finger is not recommended while raising it once is the recommended practice.

In light of these and other considerations, you can continue praying the way you were taught. Imam Abu Hanifah did not invent it, so by keeping the same format of Prayer as you had learned before, you are still praying, according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

Almighty Allah Knows best.



1- My father drinks alcohol, so my mother married me without his permission. My uncle was not made a guardian in this marriage while he is a believer. Because my mother does not like my uncle. My twelve year old brother was made the guardian of me at the time of marriage So is this marriage permissible?

2- At the time of marriage, I did not like my husband and I was forced to do so


If the marriage was done in conformity with the legal requirements of the land, then you need not worry about its validity.

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Your mother should have asked your uncle to represent you. However, if the marriage had been solemnized in fulfilling all other requirements and you consented to it, you need not object to it.  If you did not want it, you should have said so.

If having gone through it, now you do not wish to continue, you need to seek divorce by following the legal procedures. You should know that divorce is only allowed as a last recourse:

Valid Reasons for Divorce in Islam

Almighty Allah Knows best.



Salaam, I wasnt praying or practicing islam. I have committed some major sins I.e adultery, stealing and etc.. I have now started practicing but still have a guilty feeling inside me. Regards to the stuff i have stolen the stuff is now damaged and I cannot return it even tho I still have it. What should i do? I’m willing to pay on a monthly basis but if I tell them I believe I will get in to big trouble. Also are my prayers valid even tho I have done all this.


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

You need not despair of the mercy of Allah.

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We are in the last ten nights of Ramadan. It is the perfect time for you to come clean and seek forgiveness from Allah. As you may know, we are in the last ten nights of Ramadan. These are the days and nights that Allah chooses to dispense His special graces more than any other time. So, use this perfect time to wash your sins through lots of istighfaar (begging forgiveness of Allah), dhikr (remembrance of Allah), prayers, and reading the Holy Book.

However, while you are doing all of the above, you need to compensate the victims. If you have robbed people, you need to return what you stole;  if you cannot do so, the minimum you could do is to estimate the value of the stuff you have taken unlawfully and then give it away in charity on their behalf.

For details on divine mercfy and how to seek repentance, please refer to the answer linked below:

The Door of Repentance Is Wide Open

Almighty Allah Knows best.



1. How is it to offer prayers in clothes after passing through automatic sanitizer gate?

2. Will it be OK if I use hand sanitizer during ramadan on hands and face while fasting.

Please give answer in view of covid-19 and with no covid-19 or any other such harmful circumstances. Sanitizers usually have alcohol and may absorb in body, so kindly give detail and elaborate answer. As ramadan is coming up so please answer at earliest.


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1- Passing through a sanitizer gate would not render your clothes or body impure. So, you need not worry about praying after entering through it. Islam warns us against rigidity. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “This religion of ours is easy to practice. Whoever makes it hard will be defeating himself by his rigid attitude.”

He also said, “Woe to those who are rigid.” He repeated the words three times. Therefore, I would urge you to shun such an attitude.

2- Using hand sanitizer and wiping your hands and face with it would in any way invalidate the fast. It does not fall in the category of things that would invalidate one’s fast. It is different from rubbing oil or skin moisturizers, which are allowed by the consensus of scholars.

Almighty Allah Knows best.



Assalamu Alaykum,

My last name is Rahman, and because we live in a western country, my mother, father, and siblings’ last names are also Rahman. It is common among my culture, the Bengali culture, to have Rahman as a last name. The problem is, aside from my father, we do not have any suffix after our first name or a prefix before Allah’s name to indicate that we are not ascribing this name of Allah’s to ourselves. (For example, instead of Abdur Rahman, we have names such as Ahmed Rahman.)

I found out recently that this is impermissible, and have talked to my mother about this, but she is under the impression that as long as we don’t believe the quality of Rahman is attributed to us and that we do not let anyone else call us by Rahman, it is fine. My parents don’t let anyone call them by their last name, only ever going names such as Mrs. A or MD or just their first names or the like.

However I still don’t feel it is right to even have the last name as Rahman in the first place, and it should be changed.

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Are we committing shirk? Are my parents committing kufr for not thinking they have to change our last name? How can I approach my parents about this matter in a more efficient way?

I’d also like to state that I have been afflicted with extreme waswas for a long time and have been trying to work through it, and I don’t want to feel like my parents are non-Muslims or have committed apostasy. I don’t know whether waswas is making me further confused about the state of my parents or this matter in general, but it’s causing me grief.

I hope by the will of Allah this finds you and you are able to get back to me.

May Allah bless you, forgive you, and have mercy on you,


Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

Al-Rahman is the exclusive name of Allah; thus, it is not permissible in Islam to call anyone with that name. So you are allowed to use that name with a prefix such as Fadhl al-Rahman, Abdul Rahman, etc.

As for Rahman without the letter of al, it is also not desirable; however, some scholars think it may not be forbidden as Allah is Al-Rahman.

However, I would advise you if you can change the name by adding a prefix to it, that would be more in conformity with the Islamic aadaab or the proper Islamic manners in regards to naming.

For further details on naming, you may refer to the answer linked below:

What Are the Islamic Guidelines of Choosing Names?

Almighty Allah knows best.